A friend recently asked me if there really are as many passengers acting up as we used to see in the days immediately post-pandemic. I told her that fortunately, I haven’t personally seen any unruly passengers on a plane but I have witnessed an incident at Miami International Airport (MIA), which I’ll elaborate on down below.

But first, there’s a video circulating on social media in which you can clearly see a female passenger take a huge chunk out of the male flight attendant’s uniform.

An unruly passenger bites a piece of a United Airlines flight attendant's uniform off.
Watch the video here.

TMZ was the first to obtain the video and reports that it happened on a “United Flight 762 from Miami to Newark, New Jersey Tuesday … and, it shows an upset passenger screaming at other passengers while the flight crew tries to restrain her, wrapping zip ties around her wrists.”

TMZ also reports that the flight was delayed 3.5 hours and the flight crew had to be changed out because of the ordeal, per another clip. They also received a statement from United, which confirmed the incident: “United flight 762 from Miami to Newark stopped in Orlando on Tuesday evening after a passenger became aggressive and disruptive. Our flight attendants worked to de-escalate the situation and protect other customers and after landing in Orlando, law enforcement met the flight, and the passenger was removed. We’re grateful to our team for their professionalism and for looking out for the safety of our customers and their fellow United employees.”

Pre-pandemic, you would rarely hear about irate passengers but times have changed and these types of incidents are becoming more and more common.

In May 2021, I wrote about surprising my dad at his senior home for my first post-pandemic visit, to bring him back to California with me. I wrote: “I gotta tell ya: Miami Airport has some real interesting characters, especially three young women in their early twenties who everyone could hear almost get in a fight near Café Versailles. Then they came strolling through our gate area screaming profanities with their masks off and two little kids (around four) following close behind. I couldn’t keep my mouth shut so I yelled at them to watch their language around little kids. That’s when a rather large woman said, “Those are my kids!” So I said, “What a great role model you are.” She then started calling me a white man and some obscenities but kept walking. When they reached the end of the E Gates, they made their way back, still screaming at the world and at me and anyone who looked at them. Not one MIA or AA employee said a word. It was like they’re used to it.”

I do think the pandemic really messed some people up and there’s definitely a rise in the number of unruly passengers that flight crew have had to deal with. Perhaps we’re hearing more about these incidents these days because almost everyone has a smartphone and access to social media so stories like this can go viral in a matter of minutes. Fortunately, I haven’t experienced this type of behavior in the air and I hope it stays that way. Knock on wood.

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5 Comments On "'Aggressive and disruptive' United Airlines passenger zip-tied after biting off piece of flight attendant's uniform"
  1. David R. Miller|

    Just another expected result of liberal leftists eroding moral and ethical values in America. More to come until society decides to speak up and stop this type of insane behavior.

  2. Mary Ann|

    This has no connection to politics. Unfortunately there are idiots in both parties leave you politics out of things like this as it involves idiots or morons that feel entitled.

  3. Brian|

    I think we are seeing gen Z moving into “adult spaces.” They have never been told “NO” so they don’t take instructions well. They especially don’t take orders from police well. I have seen 2 videos where police had to strap out of control people into straight jackets. Both, gen Z females.

  4. Richard Ly|

    Unlike the attack on the Capital.

    1. Johnny Jet|

      You’re right. The attack on the Capitol (with an o) was way worse. Gotta lock them all up especially Don The Con

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