I’ve written way too many stories about passengers misbehaving in airports and up in the skies. Here’s the most recent incident: ‘Aggressive and disruptive’ United Airlines passenger zip-tied after biting off piece of flight attendant’s uniform

Hall of Fame running back Terrell Davis demands investigation after being wrongfully removed from a United Airlines flight.
In many of the reported incidents, it’s the passengers who are clearly in the wrong and the flight attendants who are simply doing their job and trying to keep things under control. But in this case, I think it was the flight attendant who was in the wrong.

Hall of Fame running back Terrell Davis posted this on Instagram:

“I am still in shock over the traumatizing events that occurred Saturday aboard a United flight from Denver to Orange County with my wife, two sons, and daughter. During the beverage service, my son politely requested a cup of ice. The flight attendant either didn’t hear or ignored his request and continued past our row. I calmly reached behind me and lightly tapped his arm to get his attention to again ask for a cup of ice for my son. His response and the events that followed should stun all of us.

He shouted “don’t hit me” and left the cart to hurriedly approach the front of the plane. I was confused, as were the passengers in front of me who witnessed the exchange. I thought nothing of it other than this particular employee was incredibly rude and blatantly wrong in his accusations of me hitting him. I did not see or interact with him further for the duration of the flight. As we landed in Orange County, the pilot asked all passengers to remain seated, six FBI and law enforcement agents boarded the plane.

The FBI agents and local authorities proceeded directly to my seat and immediately placed me in handcuffs, while seated and without any explanation, in front of my wife and children while the entire flight of passengers watched in silence. I was then removed from the flight while being recorded by multiple passengers as I was paraded off of the plane in handcuffs by the officers. I was – and remain – humiliated, embarrassed, powerless, and angry.

During questioning, it was rightfully determined by the agents that this flight attendant was inaccurate in his accusations and the agents profusely apologized even offering to support me and my family in any way possible. I have yet to hear anything from United Airlines. The traumatizing experience of my two sons, my daughter, and my wife watching me being placed in handcuffs

  • without due process or any explanation
  • cannot be undone.

At this very moment, not even 48 hours later, we as a family are having to have hard conversations with each other about what transpired and answer the many questions that my children have. I refuse to stand by without speaking out In on this disgusting display of injustice and deplorable treatment by United Airlines. My legal team at Stinar, Gould, Grieco, & Hensley will be in contact with United Airlines.

I demand a thorough and proper investigation into the flight attendant who blatantly lied and placed undue harm on me and my family. These lies and the ensuing events have the capacity to tarnish the reputation I have spent decades building, and this person should not be able to do this again to anyone in the future.”


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A post shared by Terrell Davis (@therealterrelldavis)

If you read my newsletter, then you know I’m always extra nice to flight attendants and almost always bring them chocolates. I dated a United Airlines flight attendant for four years 20 years ago so I know how difficult their jobs can be. But I’ve flown enough to sometimes see flight attendants who are the problem and it sounds like this is what happened on Saturday night on Terrell Davis’ flight from Denver to Orange County.

One thing I’ve learned over the years is that pilots will almost always back their flight attendants and you should never touch or even lightly poke a flight attendant (or waiter for that matter) to get their attention. That’s a big no-no but is it grounds for being removed from a flight? Heck no. I think United is going to be hit with a big lawsuit and rightfully so … and I hope he wins because if he’s accurate in his reporting of the incident, being arrested in front of your kids is something they can’t unsee.

—- UPDATED July 17 —-
According to NBC News, “United has released a statement acknowledging that Davis was mistreated. “This is clearly not the kind of travel experience we strive to provide, and we have reached out to Mr. Davis’s team to apologize,” United said in a statement. “We have removed the flight attendant from duty while we closely review this matter.”

—- UPDATED July 25 —-
Here’s the video of Mr. Davis being removed.

@cbsmornings Never-before-seen video shows law enforcement agents handcuff Terrell Davis aboard a United Airlines flight earlier this month. It happened after Davis says he “lightly” tapped a flight attendant to ask for a cup of ice and alleges the flight attendant shouted, “Don’t hit me.” #news ♬ original sound – CBS Mornings

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4 Comments On "United Airlines apologizes to Hall of Fame running back, removes flight attendant after wrongfully handcuffing and removing him from flight"
  1. Michael R.|

    “Mark Puleo of The Athletic shared a statement from United Airlines that said, “This is clearly not the kind of travel experience we strive to provide, and we have reached out to Mr. Davis’s team to apologize. The statement also revealed the flight attendant in question was removed from his position while the situation is being investigated.”


    1. Johnny Jet|

      Thanks! I wrote this story yesterday when it happened but I will update it now.

  2. Mike C|

    Why do they not have cameras of the cabins to document any disruptions in the cabin? These days there a small, very lightweight cameras with good pictures.

  3. David R. Miller|

    Makes one want to wear a body cam whenever one flies

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