Andrew Zimmern, the man behind one of the Travel channel’s most popular shows, recently went on an epic rant while doing an interview for Business Insider. He was asked if he uses Yelp to find restaurant recommendations when he travels—and as you can see in the video (included in the tweet below), he does not. “Yelp drives me crazy,” he says. He then spends some time explaining why it’s not a good source of restaurant ideas when you travel.
What the celebrity chef suggests instead is to look up the top chefs and food critics in a place you’re visiting and then find their Instagram and Facebook accounts. With a little scrolling around, you’ll see where these people dine when they’re in that place.
‘Yelp drives me crazy’ — Andrew Zimmern goes on an epic rant against the restaurant review site
— Business Insider (@businessinsider) August 8, 2017
Related: Andrew Zimmern’s Travel Style Q&A
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