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I’ve been receiving a lot of emails lately about an interview I did for AARP magazine, which just hit newsstands. If you’re a member, you can log in and view the article here on page 10 of the April/May issue.

Crowds of tourists on the Spanish Steps in Rome.I did the interview a couple of months ago and forgot about it until some emails came in, like the one below from Jean R: “Hello, in a recent issue of AARP magazine you referenced having a coat with 20 pockets for travel. Where I might I find this coat?”

FYI: If  you aren’t an AARP member, you might want to consider becoming one for the travel benefits and of course their informational magazine. It’s well worth the $16 a year membership ($12 for the first year) and you don’t have to be 50 or older. It’s open to all ages though it’s dedicated to people over 50.

Here’s the copy from my interview with Maisy Fernandez:

What to wear to keep valuables safe on trips
“The first rule of foiling thieves when traveling: “Always carry everything in front of you.” So advises travel influencer Johnny Jet, adding, “Never use a backpack or have your stuff behind you or in a back pocket.”  Jet (real name John DiScala), who runs the travel site, suggests these items.

Pocketed jacket/vest: “I have a jacket that has 20-plus pockets.” With pockets inside and outside, there’s a spot for just about anything: “iPads, passports, sunglasses, a bottle of water and more.”

Crossbody purse: It sits diagonally across your body, with the bag in front. Get a purse with a stainless-steel-based strap. “People can come up behind you and slash a regular strap.”

Money belt: This standby is a great option—“like a thin fanny pack you wear under clothing.”

Safe wallet: A wallet that blocks radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology thwarts thieves’ gadgets that can read your credit card’s info.”

Since AARP doesn’t list specific products and I’m getting emails from readers asking what I specifically recommend, I thought I would share them in an article.

The jacket I’m referring to above with 20+ pockets is made by Scottevest. The company was a longtime sponsor of my newsletter and I do make an a small commission on sales that take place through affiliate URLs, either directly from Scottevest or Here’s a detailed post about why I recommend Scottevest products (jackets, vests, shirts, pants, shorts and even underwear) for travelers: How to save money with a secret third carry-on when you travel. Some readers who found the cost of a Scottevest to be too high have recommended a fishing vest which, yes, does have multiple pockets but is definitely not as stylish and may not be the look you’re going for.

Just this week, I was at a travel conference and ran into an old friend. When I told her I was headed to Barcelona soon she said, “Ugh, I got mugged in Barcelona.” She laughed and said, “Who hasn’t gotten mugged or pickpocketed in Barcelona?” I’m fortunate to be someone who hasn’t and hope to keep it that way but one of our writers was mugged in Barcelona and wrote a detailed account of her experience here. In short, a kid came up from behind her, slashed her crossbody bag with a knife and ran. That’s why it’s best to use a bag with an anti-slash strap like this one so thieves can’t do a quick hit and run.

But better yet, don’t carry more than what you need like a credit card or two and some petty cash. It’s best to keep it hidden in a jacket, inside a money belt or in your shoe. Storing a credit card and some cash in a pouch attached to the back of your phone isn’t a great idea if you use it out in public a lot. See this video on how easy it is to for a thief to grab your phone out of your hands.

I do use a wallet to carry a few credit cards, my ID and some cash but it’s small and most importantly like the interview stated, has RFID technology (radio-frequency identification) to thwart thieves’ gadgets that can read your credit card’s info.

Rick Steves Got Pickpocketed in Paris: Here’s What He Wants You to Know
Video Shows How Easy it is For Thieves to Steal Your Luggage While in a Bar or Restaurant
I Got Mugged in Barcelona: Here Are 12 Tips To Help You Travel Safe
How to Save Money with a Secret Third Carry-On When You Travel
The Secret Piece of Carry-On Luggage That’s Disguised As a Travel Accessory

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