In 2007 MAD TV had a hilarious and popular skit (over 57 million views on YouTube) of Bon Qui Qui (performed by comedian Anjelah Johnson) at King Burger. Anjelah brought Bon Qui Qui back in 2009 but this time as a flight attendant which was captured by a fan during a standup routine. I only feature it now because the lone flight attendant on my Delta Connection flight from Detroit to Erie the other day reminded me so much of Bon Qui Qui. She had long fingernails, was getting perturbed when passengers weren’t listening to her safety demo and then said “this flight has 48 (out of 50) people and it’s only 28 minutes long so I won’t be doing any drink service today. Therefore you can tell Delta on your next flight they owe you one.” And once we took off she didn’t walk up or down the aisle. You gotta love flying on Delta Connection. Oh by the way did I mention for the second straight Delta Connection flight the bathroom didn’t work. The gate agent informed everyone just before we boarded – he said if you gotta go you better go now because the lavatory isn’t in service.