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MexicoDon’t Speed in Mexico
Are you heading to Mexico for vacation? A lot of my southern California friends drive across the border from time to time—so thanks to my colleague and Twitter chat co-host Chris McGinnis for alerting me to the police shakedowns taking place down there. There are reports that the police will pull you over for going just a few miles over the speed limit so they can get a bribe out of you (usually $50). Read the report on

FYI: The picture above comes from a very safe, very fun trip I took in 2010 to La Cofradia Distillery in Tequila, Mexico.



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5 Comments On "Travel Tip of the Day: Don't Speed in Mexico"
  1. VP|

    My first hubby and I were in Tijuana years ago, and were stopped for a supposed illegal U-turn. We went down a dead end street, turned around and came back out (short street). the cop that pulled us over, said “Do you want to go to jail?” also asked if we spoke Spanish. When we said “no”, he then held out his hand and asked to $200. My ex was smart enough to say, we don’t have that kind of money, and ended up giving him $50. We went back to Calif. and have never gone back!

  2. denise|

    Nothing new here, this has been going on for ages and is a well known fact by those of us close to the border. In fact don’t break any driving laws, if you can’t or won’t pay you may end up in jail.

  3. Captain Steve|

    I have been driving in Mexico (mainland and Baja since 1967 and have learned the hard way, never have any more money in my wallet than I can afford to “donate” to a federally. Tip, lots of singles and small denominations so when you open your wallet and explain your plight it looks like he is getting a lot. Never more than $50 or we will all pay more in the future. Insist on the judge if he balks as it will always be cheaper,,,, but longer, for you. They do not pay them anything so they need to supplement.
    The last time, and I was sooo in the wrong, he wanted $300 or go to the judge. “but I only have this” showing him your wallet full of bills (never take it out in public view). He will pass his ticket book to you and you discreetly hand it back to him. We even got a police escort to the boarder. Boy he must have been mad when he found 12-$1 bills.

  4. Vito|

    I have been going to Cancun for 37 years…each year since 1979. i have been stopped a number of times. At first i paid the bribe.. Now I just tell them I was not speeding. They want to take your license and tell you to go the Police Station to pay the fine to get it back!. The last time I told him I cannot give him my license because it was the Property of the State of Florida! He let me go. (never admit you speak Spanish) . Always say “I don’t understand!! . And repeat and repeat and repeat.

    1. Johnny Jet|

      Good to know

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