Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Wayne & Pat Dunlap (Plan Your Escape™)
Occupation: World Travelers; Travel authors, speakers, and TV hosts (Plan Your Escape™)
Hometown: San Diego, California, USA
Residence: Del Mar (San Diego), California, USA
Websites: Unhook Now (travel adventures blog), Plan Your Escape Now (travel book), Plan Your Escape TV (travel show)
Twitter: @wdunlap
Facebook: Plan Your Escape Now
Pinterest: waynedunlap
YouTube: waynedunlaptraveler
Short Bio: Wayne and Pat Dunlap are travel TV hosts (Plan Your Escape™) on the CW network and travel columnist for the Huffington Post. They have been fortunate to live their dreams and are members of the exclusive Travelers’ Century Club. In total, they have visited 100 countries and island groups on 6 continents as well as 44 U.S. states.
Recently, the Dunlaps rented their home and traveled the world for 2 years visiting 51 countries. They have taken over 100 trips taking cars, trains, buses, and organized tours. They have also done home exchanges and taken 28 cruises on 13 different cruise lines on ships ranging from 10 to 3,000 passengers. Now they enjoy most of their traveling independently on their own.
The Dunlaps have been chosen “Best Boomer Travel Bloggers to Follow” and stories about their travel adventures have appeared in The Christian Science Monitor, Entrepreneur Magazine, radio, TV, and many others.
For more information, please see our world travel adventures blog: UnhookNow.com is listed on “Best Travel Blogs” and chosen “Best Boomer Travel Bloggers to Follow”. For over 160 wonderful places in the world we include photos, interesting things to do, history, and you can sign up for travel tips and bargains.
Wayne was a business owner, executive of high-tech companies, and an Economic professor after his PhD program at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). He is listed in Who’s Who Among American Professionals. Pat is a winner of Entrepreneur of the Year for San Diego.
How often do you fly: Varies: about 5-15 times/year
How many countries have you been to: 100 countries and island groups as recognized by the Travelers Century Club as well as 44 U.S. states
How many continents have you been to: 6
Favorite American city: San Diego, San Francisco close second
Favorite international city: Venice, Italy (touristy but we love it)
Least favorite country: hard to answer – there is beauty in everywhere you travel
Favorite World Heritage Sites: Iguazu Falls & Angkor Wat
Favorite airline: Singapore
Favorite aircraft type:
Aisle or window: Aisle
Favorite international airport: Paris
Favorite cruise line: Holland America
Favorite islands: Crete & Kauai
Favorite hole in the wall: Jost Van Dyke in the BVI’s
Favorite fruit: strawberries
Favorite food: Thai
Least favorite food:
Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground): Local beer, wine, coffee, and hot tea
Favorite travel movie(s): The Bucket List, Under the Tuscan Sun, Doctor Zhivago, Before Sunrise
Favorite travel show(s): All of them – show me a travel show and we are there. Of course, we are especially partial to our travel TV show – Plan Your Escape™
Favorite travel book(s): Plan Your Escape™, Secrets of Traveling the World for Less Than the Cost of Living at Home
Right now I am reading: Frommer’s California’s Best Loved Driving Tours
Five things you bring on a plane: A smile, healthy snack, sweater, travel book, passport
What do you always seem to forget: My worries – I’m on a trip!
What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport duty free store? Nothing – life is better with less
Favorite travel iPhone app(s): Square
Most embarrassing/worst travel moment: Wallet pickpocketed in Buenos Aires – never again!
What’s your dream destination: Love the Greek Islands and anywhere where there are soft white sandy beaches, warm ocean water, and great food. Also, we dream of visiting new exciting destinations.
Favorite travel website(s) – besides JohnnyJet.com, of course!: TripAdvisor.com, Hostelbookers.com, Wikitravel.org, VacationsToGo.com, UnhookNow.com
Best travel tip: Wear comfortable shoes, be gracious, and find the beauty everywhere you go – the world is a wonderful beautiful place