Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Vicki Winters
Occupation: Blogger/Content Creator/Social Media Manager
Hometown: New York City, Los Angeles, Miami
Residence: New York City
College: University of Miami
College major: Spanish, until I dropped out
Website: vickiwinters.com
Twitter: @MyBigFatMouth
Facebook: Vicki Winters
Instagram: mybigfatmouth
Pinterest: Vicki Winters
YouTube: Vicki Winters
Short bio: Welcome to The Vicki Winters Show! Thanks for being my guest. Speak directly into the fake mic and tell us a little bit about yourself! Vicki Winters is also one half of Bucket List Boomers with her husband Dan.
How often do you fly? As often as possible. Although I don’t love to fly, I love going places.
How many countries have you been to? 35
How many continents have you been to? 5
Earliest travel memory: We caravanned by automobile from NY to Fla. My father smoked while my brother and I choked in the back seat. Then we would switch off to my grandparents’ car where both of them smoked. To this day, I can’t sit in a car without getting anxious!
Favorite American city: I love New York, but that’s because it’s my home. There are a few other cities that I love: Austin, Portland, Miami Beach, Santa Monica.
Favorite international city: Too hard to choose just one.
Least favorite country: Syria for obvious reasons.
I have no desire to go to: Syria for obvious reasons.
Country with the meanest immigration officers: Russia.
Favorite World Heritage Site: Angkor Wat.
Favorite aircraft type: 747 and sitting upstairs.
Aisle or window: Aisle, I have to pee often.
Favorite airport lounge: American Express Centurion although I can only go when I travel with my husband cause I don’t have my own Platinum Amex.
Favorite international airport: Changi.
Favorite fancy restaurant: El Cellar de Can Roca.
Favorite fruit: Dragon fruit.
Favorite food: Ice cream.
Least favorite food: Bugs.
Drink of choice (in the air and on the ground): Water water and more water.
Right now I am reading: JohnnyJet.com.
5 things you bring on a plane: Eyeshades, iPhone.
What do you like least about travel? Long-haul flights in COACH.
What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport Duty Free store? Belgian Chocolates.
Favorite travel app(s): TripCase.
I’m embarrassed I haven’t been to: New Orleans.
What’s your dream destination? Antarctica.
Best travel tip: If you bring white pants, be prepared to have them washed every day!
Johnny Jet and Vicki Winters: 2 great travelers!!! Glad I know you both and follow your travel trips and tips. You help make the world a smaller place.
Caryn, you are too cute! xoxox
I want to go to Antarctica too. Invite me as your plus one when you land a press trip. I’m sure your husband won’t mind. :) PS: I finished my college Spanish major ;-) , lived in Mexico and Colombia and spoke it every day as a lawyer, so I could translate for us in Argentina, the usual jumping off place for cruises to Antarctica. Also, I’d be happy to carry your camera tripod. PPS: 100% agree with your feeling about eating bugs.
Thanks Johnny for including me. It truly was a delight to meet you and Natalie in Minnesota (TBEX). Your keynote made us all laugh and was so inspiring on so many levels.
This is such an honor for me!
Wishing you and your growing family the absolute most joy forever.
Giant hugs from NYC.