Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Sean E. Keener
Occupation: CEO and Co-Founder of the BootsnAll Travel Network
Born and Raised: Chicago
Residence: Snowden, WA
Website: BootsnAll
Twitter: @SEKeener
Facebook: BootsnAll Travel
Pinterest: BootsnAll
YouTube: BootsnAll
Short Bio: Sean’s original bio picture on BootsnAll is of him crossing a river… with no pants on near the end of his RTW trip. He still likes to walk around naked these days (in his house – knock before coming in).
Sean took an RTW type trip in 1996/97 that shattered his idea of the world, and how it all worked. This trip inspired him to encourage others to Indie Travel around the globe as a superb way to get a “real education” and have fun doing it.
Since Co-Founding BootsnAll in 1998 and starting many of the first travel blogs and one of the first travel communities out there, Sean and his colleagues have helped over 100 million readers research, read, share and plan their own version of Indie Travel. Sean is inspired by the “Why” of life and is constantly seeking, and encouraging other to know their why and reach your highest potential.
How often do you fly: 10 to 20x per year. A little less since I became a father. I prefer to go to one place and stay for a while versus flying all over the place. Johnny Jet is my go to guy for the frequent flyer!
How many countries have you been to: I’m not sure. I never counted. I’ve been to at least a few countries on each continent except South America and Antarctica
How many continents have you been to: 5
Favorite American city: Hanalei Bay, Kauai
Favorite international city: Ohope Beach, New Zealand
Least favorite country: None.
Favorite World Heritage Site: Not sure
Favorite airline: Alaska Air
Favorite aircraft type: Cessna
Aisle or window: Window
Favorite U.S. airport: PDX
Favorite international airport: SIN
Favorite hotel: Fairmont Chain
Favorite island: Kauai or New Zealand
Favorite fancy restaurant: Acadia Bistro, Portand, Oregon
Favorite hole in the wall: Bette’s Diner, Hood River Oregon
Favorite fruit: Banana
Favorite food: Yum Bowls
Least favorite food: Raw white onions and turnips
Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground) – water
Favorite travel movie(s): Legends of the Fall
Favorite travel book(s): Vagabonding by Rolf Potts
Right now I am reading: Indie Travel Manifesto
Five things you bring on a plane: iPad, water, laptop, Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones, My son
What do you always seem to forget: I usually don’t forget, and if I do, I know I can buy it at the destination!
Favorite travel iPhone app(s): io360
Most embarrassing/worst travel moment: In 2003, I mistakenly asked a young lady if she was pregnant, and she wasn’t.
What’s your dream destination: Chile
Favorite travel charity: Charity Water
Favorite travel website(s) – besides JohnnyJet.com, of course!: I’m fascinated by what we are building at BootsnAll now.
Best travel tip: Just go. Bring double the money and ½ the stuff. Long-term indie travel is perhaps the best way to self educate yourself.