Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
Name: Nicole Dorsey
Occupation: Managing editor/senior writer
Hometown: NYC all the way
Residence: Los Angeles
College: Graduate degree is Long Island University/CW Post
College major: Grad degree is health science, undergrad is communications/journalism
Website: NicoleDorseyonline.com
Twitter: @nicoledorsey1
Facebook: Nicole Dorsey Straff
LinkedIn: Nicole Dorsey Straff
Google+: +SymptomFind
Short bio: Nicole is a writer and editor specializing in healthy travel and adventure. She’s on staff at Organic Spa and other outlets and has been traveling for 15+ years on business. She’s also a popular “mommy blogger” for Parents.com and a prolific freelancer and believes the Fountain of Youth starts with your Downward Dog.
How often do you fly? Cut back to once every 6 weeks since Sam was born (he’ll be 8).
How many countries have you been to? No idea—I don’t count. How many islands? How many are there, Johnny? (No idea. 45?)
How many continents have you been to? NO IDEA! 6?
Earliest travel memory: My first plane ride to Florida in high school.
Favorite American city: NYC, upper west side.
Favorite international city: Sydney, Australia.
Least favorite country: Would never admit—part of being a good global citizen.
Favorite World Heritage Site: I am a Latina and Mexico has so many World Heritage Sites it’s hard for me to choose.
Favorite aircraft type: I like the new 787 and I’ve flown in several sizable private jets and I recommend that very much.
Aisle or window: Aisle, in two across only.
Favorite U.S. airport: Dallas.
Favorite international airport: Somewhere in Asia.
Favorite hotel: Peninsula Tokyo.
Favorite cruise line: I get seasick and have no favorites! Keep me on land.
Favorite island: Moorea, the isle of Manhattan, Necker Island, LBI (or Long Beach Island for you Angelinos).
Favorite beach: I have been to beaches all over the world (my fave part of travel) and hometown Long Island private beaches are some of the most beautiful I have ever seen.
Favorite fancy restaurant: Dining room at Le Meurice in Paris.
Favorite hole-in-the-wall: Any beachy surf shack where I can eat with my hands and drink cold beer (my feet in sand is mandatory).
Favorite bar: Tiki huts. I perennially crave a good tiki bar.
Favorite fruit: Ripe papaya with lime sprinkle.
Favorite food: Caribbean lobster—grilled if possible—hold the butter.
Least favorite food: Okra.
Drink of choice (in the air and on the ground): Fine smoky Cabernet Sauvignon on a cool night.
Favorite travel book(s): “Bhagavad Gita,” modern Indian writers.
Top 3 favorite travel newsletters/magazines/blogs: My former clients at American Airlines and British Airways.
5 things you bring on a plane: 1) Baby pictures of my son, 2) Thick night cream to moisturize my face, 3) Essential rose oils for pressure points and motion sickness, 4) iPad and 5) Colorful scarf (see last question).
What do you always seem to forget? Floss.
What do you like least about travel? Cringe-worthy rude fellow air passengers.
What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport Duty Free store? The newest best seller from Hudson Books.
Favorite travel app(s): Mapmyrun.com because that’s the best, most organic way to see a new city to me—get your sneaks on and jog.
Most embarrassing travel moment: Probably falling asleep on a stranger, on a train from Dusseldorf. I drooled all over his beautiful Mohair. He kissed me on the cheek on his way off and said, “Since we already know each other,” in a deep accent.
Worst travel moment: Getting totally lost on bullet trains trying to get to Mt. Fuji by myself in Wintertime.
What’s your dream destination: Grecian Islands, all of ‘em.
Favorite travel charity: SavetheRhino.org in Zambia and also SavetheWhales.org because everyone’s children should live to see (and save) these endangered species.
Best travel tip: For women, dress in cotton, wrinkle-free layers to fly so you always look sleek and presentable—and get bumped up to first class. Also, I always bring a thick colorful scarf that acts as a blanket or accessory in case I have to go right into a meeting or elegant spa or lunch.