Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
Name: Kim Foley MacKinnon
Occupation: Food and travel writer
Hometown: Alexandria, Virginia
Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
College: University of Massachusetts, Boston
College major: English
Website: escapewithboston.com
Twitter: @escapewithkim
Instagram: escapewithkim
Short bio: Kim Foley MacKinnon is a freelance food and travel writer who has lived in Boston for more than 25 years. As much as she loves to travel the globe, she’s always happy to come home and write about all her favorite places in Boston. Writing credits include the Boston Globe, Food Network, Forbes Travel, Travel + Leisure, Cruise Critic, Global Traveler, USA Today, and various AAA publications, among many others. She is the author of “100 Things to Do in Boston Before You Die, 2nd edition” and has also written and contributed to several guidebooks.
How often do you fly? Twice a month, minimum.
How many countries have you been to? 43
How many continents have you been to? 4
Earliest travel memory: Flying by myself when I was age three or four to visit my grandparents in Georgia. I remember I got wings from the captain!
Favorite American city: New Orleans.
Favorite international city: Florence.
Favorite World Heritage Site: Galapagos islands.
Favorite airline: JetBlue.
Aisle or window: Aisle.
Favorite National Park: Glacier Bay.
Drink of choice (in the air and on the ground): Red wine (both).
Favorite travel movie(s): Lost in Translation, movies based on Agatha Christie books.
Favorite travel show(s): Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, Blue Planet and Planet Earth (BBC series).
Favorite travel book(s): This is too hard! But I do love to read fictional books set in a place I’m about to visit to get a feel for the area.
Right now I am reading: “Transcription” by Kate Atkinson.
Favorite travel website(s)—besides JohnnyJet.com, of course! CNN Travel, Conde Nast Traveler, Fodor’s.
5 things you bring on a plane: Lots of books (love my Kindle), pashmina, eye shades, neck pillow and headphones.
What do you always seem to forget? Either contact lens solution or my toothbrush.
What do you like least about travel? The crazy crowds at airplane boarding.
Favorite travel app(s): TripIt, Priority Pass, Gate Guru.
Most embarrassing travel moment: Getting ready to fly to Germany with my family and discovering my husband’s passport was expired.
I’m embarrassed I haven’t been to: Sequoia National Park.
What’s your dream destination? Australia.
Favorite travel charity: Pack for a Purpose.
Best travel tip: Go with the flow.