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Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with  frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and  what they never leave home without.

Katie Goldstein
Katie Goldstein

Name: Katie Goldstein

Occupation: Lawyer by day and superhero luxury travel writer and social media expert by night.

Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio

Residence: New York City


Twitter: @TravelPanties

Facebook: /besttravelblog

Pinterest: /katielara818

Google+: /105525067189043224524

Instagram: /travelpanties

Short Bio: Katie Goldstein is an avid traveler whose tastes are simple: she enjoys the best. Katie works by day as a lawyer and by night as a successful writer. Katie’s luxury travel expertise has been featured in prestigious outlets, including Forbes, Fodor’s, and She Knows. Katie is also the founder of luxury travel and lifestyle sites, Travelingpanties and Smartypanties, where she chronicles her adventures around the world. When Katie isn’t traveling, she can be found scouring her home base, New York City, for the next hotspot. In her free time, Katie enjoys trying new restaurants, taking advantage of NYC’s fabulous shopping and practicing her photography skills.

How often do you fly: As often as I can. Usually 15-20 times a year I’d say.

How many countries have you been to: 29, I just had to count them.

How many continents have you been to: 5. Africa is next!

Favorite American city: New York City, just like every other self-respecting New Yorker

Favorite international city: Roma or Hanoi, Vietnam (clearly I don’t have a type). And I would be lying if I didn’t add Paris, I’m obsessed!

Least favorite country: I’ve never been to a country I don’t enjoy, really! So i’ll say North Korea cause they’re on the naughty list (not because I’ve been).

Country with the meanest immigration officers: Surprisingly Canada, my neighbor to the north. I was given such a hard time. But Canadians themselves are awesome.

Favorite World Heritage Site: This is a hard one! Angkor Archeological Park in Cambodia takes the cake but I also love Venice and its lagoon. And I also found the ancient town of Hoi An, Vietnam to be incredibly charming.

Favorite airline: JetBlue all the way! What can I say, I’m a cheap date? Free plane snacks and I’m yours. I’m also obsessed with their sushi restaurant at JFK, Deep Blue. I know, sushi at the airport? But I swear it’s ah-ma-zing.

Favorite aircraft type: Anything that leaves on time!

Aisle or window: Always aisle except on overnight flights, then I’m a window gal! No one wants to wake me after an ambien…

Favorite U.S. airport: Cleveland Hopkins. It’s so spacious! Plus, it’s my original home.

Favorite hotel: Wayyyy too many to choose from but I adore the Nam Hai in Hoi An, Vietnam because it’s one of the most unique luxury experiences I’ve ever had. But also Tom Beach Hotel in St. Barth. It’s the chillest boutique hotel right on the beach. Both are heaven!

Do you unpack into the dresser/closet? Or live out of your suitcase? I choose the unpack everywhere option. I always vow to keep my room tidy but alas, my travelingpanties are always all over the place! And I always leave something behind in the room…

Favorite cruise line: Dying to go on a Disney cruise–don’t judge me.

Favorite island: St. Barth.

Favorite beach: St. Jean Bay on St. Barth.

Favorite fancy restaurant: Le Cinq in Paris (at Four Seasons George V)

Favorite hole in the wall:  Finca Narbona in Carmelo. It’s a century old farmhouse and winery with the most amazing restaurant. We were only in town two nights and we returned the second night as well we loved it so much. And Pio Pio in New York.

Favorite fruit: Jackfruit in Thailand. I bought it myself once in New York. Cutting that thing was a disaster and a ginormous mess to clean up.

Favorite food: Pad Thai

Least favorite food: Eggplant!

Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground): Water in the air (I always bring my own lemon). On the ground it’s a tie between a Hendricks martini with blue cheese stuffed olives and a glass of Veuve.

Favorite travel movie(s): Midnight in Paris and James Bond movies (they’re always in fun and exotic locations)

Right now I am reading: Return on Influence by Mark Schaefer

Favorite travel website(s) – besides, of course!: I’ve always been a huge fan of Fodor’s and now I write for them.

Five things you bring on a plane: Bose Noise-Canceling Headphones, my MacBook Pro, Hand sanitizing wipes, snacks and a big sweatshirt (I am always freezing).

What do you always seem to forget: A pen.

What do you like least about travel? Delays. I am possibly the most impatient person you’ll ever meet.

What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport duty free store? Hazelnut Kit Kats! It’s become our tradition.

Favorite travel app(s): Does instagram count?

Most embarrassing travel moment: On a flight once, I tried to climb over my neighbor who was sleeping without waking him but I lost my balance and fell in his lap. Good morning, indeed!

Worst travel moment: Most of my misadventures have turned into happy memories but coming down with a terrible cold the day we arrived in Thailand was pretty miserable because Thai food is my favorite cuisine and I couldn’t taste a thing! I made my husband describe the flavors to me (true story). Luckily we were there a while so eventually I could experience authentic Pad Thai for myself.

What’s your dream destination: South Africa

Best travel tip:  Talk to the locals! I rarely ask concierges questions about local spots because they never tell me the places they actually go themselves, they tell you the tourist-approved recommendations of the hotel most of the time. Instead I often find myself talking to waiters/bartenders. They always know the coolest places to go.

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