Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without

Name: Fran Golden
Occupation: Travel writer/editor
Hometown: West Hartford, Conn.
Residence: Oberlin, Ohio
Website: getawaywithfran.com, budgettravel.com
Twitter: @getawaywithfran
Facebook: Fran Golden
YouTube: Fran Golden
Short Bio: Fran Golden is a well-known cruise and travel writer and contributing editor for Budget Travel magazine. She is the author of two dozen travel books including the soon-to-debut eBook, “Frommer’s How to Plan the Perfect Cruise.”
How often do you fly: At least once a month
How many countries have you been to: 80 and counting
How many continents have you been to: Six
Favorite American city: Boston, Beantown rules!
Favorite international city: Rome
Least favorite country: I usually find something fascinating wherever I go, so can’t say I have one.
Favorite World Heritage Site: Ephesus
Favorite airline: I tend towards Delta, but only because if you get to Gold status they upgrade you pretty regularly.
Favorite aircraft type: Anything with two aisles
Aisle or window: Aisle
Favorite airport lounge: British Airways, Heathrow
Favorite U.S. airport: Boston
Favorite international airport: Amsterdam
Favorite hotel: Hotel Raphael Paris
Favorite cruise line: The line I recommend to friends the most because it is so well priced is Celebrity Cruises, especially their newer, Solstice-class ships. But I personally have a lot of favorites.
Favorite island: Moorea
Favorite fancy restaurant: Clio in Boston
Favorite hole in the wall: The Feve in Oberlin
Favorite fruit: Passion fruit
Favorite food: Truffles
Least favorite food: Brains
Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground): Vodka Martini, straight up, extra olives.
Favorite travel movie(s): Easy Rider (love Jack Nickolson).
Favorite travel show(s): Michael Palin Around the World in 80 Days (and yes, I’m a Monty Python fan too).
Favorite travel book(s): Has to be Arabian Sands by Wilfred Thesiger, the explorer and writer.
Right now I am reading: Life and Times of a Rolling Stone by Keith Richards and also, of course, Fifty Shades of Grey
Five things you bring on a plane: My Kindle, either The Atlantic Magazine or Vanity Fair, a newspaper, a bean-filled pillow, eye shades
What do you always seem to forget: Headphones
What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport duty free store? Nothing, but if he gets a sudden urge to spend whatever he chooses I will love.
Favorite travel iPhone app(s): CNN
Most embarrassing/worst travel moment: Getting on the wrong plane and then having to deplane after the flight attendants announced the destination.
What’s your dream destination: Right now, I am craving a visit to one of the palace hotels in Rajasthan. But I have a lot of dreams.
Favorite travel website(s) – besides JohnnyJet.com, of course!: Cruise Log at USA Today, budgettravel.com, and frommers.com. Those are the ones I look at the most.
Best travel tip: Talk to the locals. It’s impossible to really get to know a place if you don’t.
I am a fan of Fran Golden who’s a great travel writer. I do read her write-ups at the Budget Travel magazine. Honestly, I got to know her more deeply by reading her biography.
I find many similarities with the pro Fran Golden. I’ve been to six continents. My favorite city is Rome and my favorite world heritage site is Ephesus. I just found out that he has two websites. I’ll surely check out the other one.
Thanks.I like Fran a lot.I like the the topics she writes.Thanks for sharing her biography her.