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Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Arnie Weissmann

Name: Arnie Weissmann

Occupation: Editor in Chief, Travel Weekly

Hometown: Chicago

Residence: New York City

Website: Travel Weekly

Twitter: @awtravelweekly

: Travel Weekly

Short Bio: Editor in chief of Travel Weekly, the primary source of news, research, analysis and opinion for the U.S. travel industry (on the web, in print and with conferences and online events). Have been involved in virtually every aspect of travel journalism, publishing and media for the past 25 years: articles have appeared in 30 newspapers, from the Washington Post to the LA Times; co-created the industry’s first destination information service (Weissmann Travel Reports); authored a best-selling geography textbook (“Travel Around the World”); and served as publisher of critical hotel and destination guides for the travel industry, including Star Service, Official Hotel Guide Worldwide and a dozen OAG-branded publications in the UK. Have received more than 40 national awards. Was a web pioneer, creating the first core destination content for America Online and licensing web content to Apple, Time, Inc., CNN and Marriott International, among others. Joined Travel Weekly in October 2001 as editor in chief (am also Senior Vice President and Editorial Director for the Travel Group of parent company Northstar Travel Media). Comments have appeared on NBC, CNN, BBC and NPR, and am often quoted in newspapers, magazines and on websites. A proud board member of the non-profit Tourism Cares. Sit on many industry advisory boards and have been a guest lecturer at Cornell University School of Hotel Administration.

How often do you fly: 3-5xs per month

How many countries have you been to: 102

How many continents have you been to: 6

Favorite American city: Austin, Texas

Favorite international city: Jerusalem

Least favorite country: Still haven’t found it

Favorite World Heritage Site: Rock Hewn Churches, Lalibela, Ethiopia

Favorite airline: Toss up: Emirates and Singapore

Favorite aircraft type: Boeing 777

Aisle or window: Window!

Favorite airport lounge: Virgin Clubhouse, Heathrow

Favorite U.S. airport: Terminal A (Marine Air Terminal), LaGuardia NYC

Favorite international airport:
City Airport, London (I like my airports small)

Favorite hotel: Villa D’este on Lake Como

Favorite island: Anguilla

Favorite fancy restaurant: Gramercy Park Tavern, NYC

Favorite hole in the wall: Sidestreet Inn, Honolulu

Favorite fruit: Mango

Favorite food:
Anything Cajun or Mexican

Least favorite food: Seaweed salad

Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground) Air: Makers Mark. Ground: Pierde Almas (mezcal)

Favorite travel movie(s): Not technically a travel movie, but I find “The Man Who Would Be King” makes me want to get up and go

Favorite travel show(s): Haven’t found one I love

Favorite travel book(s): A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush (Eric Newby); Rube Goldberg’s Guide to Europe; A Week at the Airport (Alain du Boton), First Footsteps in East Africa (Richard Burton), In a Sunburned Country (or anything by Bill Bryson), The White Nile (Alan Moorehead), The Forest People (Colin Turnbull), any number of books by Freya Stark, Dervla Murphy, Paul Theroux…this list could go on for a very long time.

Right now I am reading: The Sisters Brothers (Patrick DeWitt)

Five things you bring on a plane: book, laptop, eyeshades, foam earplugs and credit card

What do you always seem to forget: Varies tremendously by trip – everything from collar stays to a belt to a watch to shirt studs to contact lens solution to running shoes to underwear. I always wonder what it will be.

What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport duty free store? A liter of Heradura Anejo

Favorite travel iPhone app(s):
Soundhound, Translator, SitOrSquat, Light, Words with Friends

Most embarrassing/worst travel moment:
Worst: Lying on the floor of a truck bouncing over unpaved roads of Congo for two days with both malaria and dysentery.

What’s your dream destination: Space travel

Favorite travel charity: Tourism Cares

Favorite travel website(s) – besides, of course!:
Most Traveled People

Best travel tip: Find a good travel agent, one who knows the way the industry works from the inside, and who is a specialist in the area you’re heading to. They’ll help everything go more smoothly, lead you down paths you would never know existed, and if you establish a good relationship, could pave the way for upgrades.


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