Years ago my wife and I decided to try a “fish pedicure” (a then-growing fad) in Greece. Natalie and I could barely feel the fish biting our skin, and after it was over, our feet didn’t feel any different than they had before we put them in the tank.
But that’s not the only reason to think twice before trying a fish pedicure. Fish pedicures are today banned in at least 10 U.S. states and are quickly losing popularity due to health and animal welfare concerns. Believe it or not, there are stories of people who’ve lost their toenails and even toes following participation (search “fish pedicures” and you’ll get tons of similar results, mostly involving bacteria in the water). A doctor in this CBS News story says, “Since the risks outweigh any known benefits of fish pedicures, I would advise my patients to avoid the ‘doctor fish’ and instead see a board certified dermatologist for skin and nail conditions.”
My advice is the same: Stay away from fish pedicures, and if you do try one, make sure the purveyor is trustworthy.
Related: A Massage I Will Never Forget — Club Med Opio in France
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I read a warning about fish pedicures, as HIV and tetanus are easily transmitted via the fish. Also, the water gets dirty very quickly. It’s like sharing bath water with strangers!
We had wonderful Dr. Fish- full body- not just a pedicure- in South Korea at the Termeden Waterpartk and it was Great! It was immaculately clean and wonderful fun, as well as great for someone like me with Psoriasis. I literally spent almost all day with Dr. Fish- along with countless Korean families and their giggling kids. My husband enjoyed a Dr. Fish pedicure in Vietnam in the 1960s- that’s how I first learned about it. I hate the “scare” articles- and the internet is rife with them, scaring people away from everything from coffee to sushi to wine to sunlight. You can get ecoli and die from eating spinach, for goodness’ sake. Use common sense, people.