Instead of sending me a birthday present how about buying a bed net to help save a life? More than 200 million people are infected with malaria, and 600,000 die from the disease every year. Most are in Africa and children under the age of five. But a bed net is simple tool to help stop this disease. Hanging an insecticide-treated bed net can reduce transmission of malaria by 90 percent as they stop mosquitoes from biting at night and spreading the disease. The insecticide also on the net kills the mosquitos when they land, preventing them from flying on to their next victim. A donation of just $10 can send a net and save a life.
This is a great product Mr. Jet, I haven”t heard of anything like it since the “wina bowl of rice” campaign where people would take quizzes on various problems facing the world stage and could be awarded a bowl of rice that would then be given to a hungry family in need in Africa. So I think these nets are great ideas for dads who are interested in the issues of the world and traveling the world as a missionary or voluntarism.