How I’m Entertaining My Toddler While He’s Home From School Across the country, schools are closing for varying periods of time to keep our little ones safe from the rapidly spreading coronavirus. And with social distancing being the number one… Natalie DiScala , March 20, 2020
These 9 Travel Webcams Let You See the World From Home We’re living in a crazy time. Every day when I wake up and look at the news, life feels surreal (here’s our COVID-19 resource page). After spending 10 minutes watching… Johnny Jet , March 18, 2020
Video: Penguins Touring Shedd Aquarium in Chicago With the COVID-19 situation escalating, people are rightly staying inside (see more on why that’s a good idea here). Businesses are suspending operations, some voluntarily and some as ordered by… Johnny Jet , March 17, 2020
Bring Your Own Pen When Flying or Going to the Doctor’s Office As you no doubt know by now, you should avoid flying right now unless it’s absolutely necessary. In fact, while COVID-19 continues to spread, you should limit your contact with… Johnny Jet , March 17, 2020
How You Can Help During the Coronavirus Pandemic The world has rapidly changed since even one week ago at the time of this writing. Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19, the disease caused by the… Helen Racanelli , March 16, 2020
2 Coronavirus Updates for Anyone Flying Soon or Trying to Cancel Flights I don’t usually send out travel tips out on Sundays, but these are unprecedented times. I’m sure you’ve all seen the insane immigration lines at the screening 13 airports where… Johnny Jet , March 15, 2020
The Coronavirus Travel Ban Is Being Expanded A few days ago when President Trump instituted the European travel ban, he had people scrambling to get back home. He also had people scratching their heads when he excluded… Johnny Jet , March 14, 2020
Don’t Forget to Disinfect Your Phone, Too Each Friday—even this Friday amid the cascade of COVID-19 stories—we feature a reader-inspired tip as our Travel Tip of the Day. This week’s tip was prompted by reader John W.,… Johnny Jet , March 13, 2020
Trying to Make Sense of President Trump’s Coronavirus Travel Ban My jaw dropped last night when I heard President Trump say (in the speech embedded below) that he was implementing a 30-day travel ban on flights from Europe but exempted… Johnny Jet , March 12, 2020
Why Now Is the Best Time to Buy Plane Tickets for This Summer UPDATED: I’ve canceled all my March and April trips as I’m social distancing as instructed. After buying hundreds of plane tickets a year for the past 20+ years (for myself,… Johnny Jet , March 10, 2020
6 Things to Pack When Flying Amid the Coronavirus Outbreak I’ve been wiping down my airplane seat, tray table and entertainment system long before coronavirus became a concern. Call me a germaphobe (I’ve been called worse!) but the thought of… Johnny Jet , March 9, 2020
The State Department Is Now Advising Against Cruising I love cruising, and I’ve been on dozens of cruises. But I definitely wouldn’t go on one right now as the risk of being quarantined is just too high. And that was… Johnny Jet , March 9, 2020
What to Know About Riding the NYC Subway During the Coronavirus Outbreak Coronavirus, aka COVID-19, is on everyone’s mind. In yesterday’s tip, Helen Racanelli shared what to know before donning a face mask on a plane. But planes aren’t the only places… Johnny Jet , March 5, 2020
What to Know Before Wearing a Face Mask on a Plane Has the novel coronavirus got you thinking about wearing a face mask or respirator on your next flight? Below are a few things I learned when I worked in a… Helen Racanelli , March 3, 2020
Coronavirus: Should You Travel to Europe Right Now? This post was written on February 27th. Today (March 15th) the answer is NO! Don’t go. —————- Read line above. The hot topic on everyone’s mind (I’ve been getting calls,… Johnny Jet , February 27, 2020