Now Is a Good Time to Remember to Pack Extra Medication Each Friday, we feature a reader-submitted tip as our Travel Tip of the Day. This week’s reader tip comes from reader JoAnn, who—at an appropriate time—shares a reminder to pack… Johnny Jet , February 21, 2020
How to Avoid Getting Sick on a Flight During the Coronavirus Outbreak When my upgrade doesn’t clear, I almost always book an aisle seat (usually exit-row aisle or bulkhead since those have the most room, which means I can work). However, during… Johnny Jet , February 18, 2020
Coronavirus: Why I’m Canceling My RTW Trip and Which Airlines Offered Me Refunds Last week, I wrote about my upcoming round-the-world trip, which I had been planning for several months (here’s the story). My friends and family were concerned about me going… Johnny Jet , February 5, 2020
Use These 2 Disinfecting Wipes to Fight Germs the Next Time You Travel Almost everyone I know is freaked out about novel coronavirus, myself included. In fact, I just canceled my round-the-world trip, which was supposed to begin in just over a week… Johnny Jet , February 5, 2020
5 Tips for Staying Safe From Coronavirus The coronavirus is all over the news. At we’ve already posted three stories about it, on the basics of staying safe from coronavirus, how to track it, and whether… Johnny Jet , January 30, 2020
Track the Spread of the Coronavirus With This Amazing Tool Coronavirus Dashboard Worried about the coronavirus (COVID-19)? Who isn’t? As you probably know, it’s a growing concern inside and increasingly outside of China. Since we sent this tip last week,… Johnny Jet , January 28, 2020
How The Coronavirus Outbreak Should Affect Your Travel Plans If you haven’t heard, a new and unfamiliar coronavirus has popped up in China, particularly in the region around Wuhan. As of late yesterday, it had killed 17 people and… Johnny Jet , January 23, 2020