The news of the passing of Anthony Bourdain hit me hard. I was fortunate to meet the travel legend a couple of times, including in the relaxing atmosphere of the Cayman Cookout in 2016. Some clever person referred to him as the Fonzy of travel personalities and I found that to be spot-on. He was cool, fun, no-nonsense, outspoken, and friendly.
Tony seemed to be on top of the world, so his apparent suicide was a complete and utter shock. His work was worshipped by every professional traveler I know including CNN’s Anderson Cooper, who paid a great tribute to him this week. It’s worth the 12 minutes to get a taste of the kind of guy Anthony was on and off camera.
A WAKE-UP! call. GET LIVING! Been really bummed this week. So sad. Am more realizing how much Anthony, his attitude and adventures meant to me. Anthony, stick around longer in your next reincarnation. Did we not tell you enough how much you were and are appreciated? Come back soon! Live! Love! “Thank you” seems not enough; and it is heart-felt.