Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
Name: Judy Colbert
Occupation: Travel writer and photographer
Hometown: Washington, DC
Residence: Glen Burnie, MD
Website: JudyColbert.com
Twitter: @JoodyC
Facebook: /Judy Colbert
Short Bio: I’ve been writing about travel since the early 70s, primarily covering the mid-Atlantic area, but I also had the first guide to spas in North America and on cruise ships (1989). I like the off-beat and providing answers to questions travelers have (or didn’t know they had). My current goal is to spend a year or two sailing the Seven Seas on cruise ships, riverboats, and freighters, again writing about the unusual and human interest and not about the “10 reasons you’ll want to sail on this or that cruise ship.” I’d rather ask if the kitchen will puree food for your baby so you don’t have to schlep dozens of jars of baby food when you travel.
My current books are: Chesapeake Bay Crabs” cookbook, “Maryland and Delaware Off the Beaten Path”, “Insiders’ Guide to Baltimore”, “Virginia Off the Beaten Path”, “Peaceful Places Washington, DC”, “It Happened in Maryland”, “It Happened in Delaware”, and “Virginia Scenic Drives and Byways” (December 2013).
How often do you fly: As little as possible these days. I don’t mind flying; I dislike airports. I used to travel 110-115 days a year, so 20-25 flights a year.
How many countries have you been to: 35, at least.
How many continents have you been to: Four (North and South America, Europe, and Africa)
Favorite American city: Washington, DC (home town), followed by New York City.
Favorite international city: Barcelona, Spain, followed by Tel Aviv, Israel.
Favorite World Heritage Site: Iguacu National Park, Brazil.
Favorite airline: Southwest
Aisle or window: Aisle in coach; window in first class.
Do you unpack into the dresser/closet? Or live out of your suitcase? Usually out of my suitcase.
Favorite cruise line: Working on that.
Favorite island: Bermuda
Favorite hole in the wall: G & M restaurant, Linthicum, Maryland
Favorite fruit: Clementines
Favorite food: Changes – fried chicken, hard-shell crabs, lobster
Least favorite food: Haven’t tried them – but worms
Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground) Water
Favorite travel movie(s): Eat, Pray, Love but I think it’s Javier Bardem rather than the scenery
Right now I am reading: Just read “The Heist” by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg, the description of the Fassbender & Rausch chocolate shop and café makes me want to book a trip today.
What do you always seem to forget: I have a list, so I rarely forget anything.
Favorite travel iPhone app(s): Still have a dumb phone.
Most embarrassing travel moment: Tripping while walking the Stations of the Cross in Israel and having six guys rush to my aid.
Best travel tip: Prepare a list and take it with you, take a solar charger if you’re going to go away for more than a day or two.