When you get on an airplane, chances are you’ll come across some real characters who push the airline’s dress code boundaries by either wearing not enough clothes or have offensive language on their T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, etc.
Things get even crazier when you fly on Halloween, which I’ve done multiple times. Most passengers and airport workers wear fun costumes, and never nothing too outrageous or scary. To make sure you don’t get sent to the restroom to change, the TSA has shared information about what’s allowed and what’s not when flying.

So, here’s what the TSA has to say when it comes to:

Halloween makeup/liquid
“Whether you’re dressing up as as your favorite wizard or an evil witch this Halloween, don’t forget the magic numbers for your lotions and potions! TSA’s 3-1-1 rule means if it’s a liquid, gel, cream, paste, or lotion, (including fake blood!) each item can only be 3.4 ounces or less, needs to fit in a plastic quart sized bag and you are allowed only one bag per passenger.”

“We know you’re dying to strut through security with your bangin’ costume. And while we’d definitely love to see them, please check with your airline carrier for their dress code policies for your scarier-than-normal traveling attire!” One airline that encourages their employees to dress up is Southwest Airlines. Even their executives and CEO get in on the action.

“While we know that fake knives, hatchets, and scythes can definitely make the costume, please make sure to place these items in your checked in baggage. And NEVER pack any explosive replicas (including replica grenades, bombs, and rocket launchers) since these are all prohibited items.”

“Bring as much candy as you would like for those sugar-hungry trick-or-treaters! Just make sure they follow the 3-1-1 rule!” I always bring candy/chocolates for the gate agents and flight attendants regardless of whether it’s Halloween or not and they always appreciate it.

“Super hero, creepy clown, scarecrow… masks are fine when placed in your carry-on bag. But please be sure make sure to remove your mask before getting to the security checkpoint. We still need to make sure you are who you say you are.” The same goes for N95 or other types of face masks but with those, you just need to pull them down quickly so the officer can match your face to your ID.

“Believe it or not, pumpkins, aka, the orange gourd that has taken over our morning coffee flavors, and morning muffins, are A-Okay to bring through security, so whether they are decorated or not feel free to bring those fellas along in your carry-on.”

The TSA has also written a post in the past on a list of their recommended costumes for Halloween travel. Here are some of their ideas, including dressing up like Ted Lasso:

  • “Wear one of those all-Spandex suits. You’ll make things easier for our officers!
  • Channel your favorite Olympian. Nothing says airport comfort like a tracksuit!
  • Are you a fan of AFC Richmond? We believe that khaki pants and a collared shirt would get you a travel victory. Bonus points if you have a mustache!
  • We don’t think you’ll be a baaaad guy if you’re wearing an oversized neon t-shirt and matching sweats…duh!
  • Or you can dress like our social media team! Button up shirt or blouse on top– sweatpants on the bottom. The true definition of business casual while working from home during the pandemic.

What many travelers don’t realize is that the TSA does an amazing job on social media. Their Instagram account is hilarious and their Twitter and Facebook accounts are managed during business hours seven days a week. So if you have any questions about traveling in a costume or any other security checkpoint inquiry, just AskTSA and they usually respond within 10 minutes.


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