I know I have several years before I need to worry about what Jack is checking out on the internet while I’m on the road. But for those with kids right now, here’s a clever device that you might want to check out. Circle with Disney recognizes and manages every device on your home Wi-Fi. It allows parents to set time limits on apps and sites like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. If you have multiple kids, you can filter content by setting up individual filter levels by age (Pre-K, Kid, Teen, and Adult).
What your kid(s) will also hate is the fact that you’ll be able to see where they spend the most time online by app and category. And when the kids give you attitude, you can pause the internet for the whole household or a single family member with a single tap.
Circle installs on your home network in minutes and not only gives you ways to filter content, but is also able to work outside the Wi-Fi network on any 3G/4G, giving parents complete control even when they’re on the road. You can buy it on Amazon for $99.