Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
Name: Savannah Jane Buffett
Occupation: Lifestylist and host of ExPats
Hometown: Moved around so much as I kid I don’t
really have one but I’m a Florida girl at heart!!!
Residence: Miami, FL
Twitter: @savannahbuffett
YouTube: Reserve Channel
Short Bio: Currently the host of the Reserve Channel’s new show ExPats on YouTube. It’s now my job to travel, but it’s always been my passion. Born on the road and raised backstage, I seek truth and connection through music, diversity, and adventure.
How often do you fly: Depends on the job and time of year but at least a couple times a month no matter the climate or employer.
How many countries have you been to: 29
How many continents have you been to: 5
Favorite American city: Miami and New Orleans
Favorite international city: Amsterdam
Least favorite country: Everywhere has its purpose
Favorite World Heritage Site: Casco Viejo Panama
Favorite airline: Virgin/Virgin America
Favorite aircraft type: Can’t mess with private
Aisle or window: Window
Favorite airport lounge: The closest bar to the gate
Favorite U.S. airport: SFO
Favorite hotel: Jake’s Place Treasure Beach, Jamaica
Favorite island: Jamaica, Kauai, St.Barths
Favorite fancy restaurant: Del Posto NYC
Favorite hole in the wall: Redlight Little River Miami, FL – Amazing food, killer vibe, right on the water… just mind the manatees and hookers.
Favorite fruit: Mango
Favorite food: Linguine alla Vongole
Least favorite food: Horseradish is the devil
Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground): Tequila, soda, splash of pinapple
Favorite travel movie(s): 1 Giant Leap
Favorite travel show(s): Can’t mess with the master…Mr. Bourdain in No Reservations
Favorite travel book(s): The Book of Jamaica by Russell Banks I’ve never seen my favorite country written about more beautifully.
Right now I am reading: I finally decided to take the plunge…Games of Thrones…addicted!!!
Five things you bring on a plane: iPad, Headphones, Steven Alan beach blanket, travel pillow, and book.
What do you always seem to forget: Earplugs
What’s your dream destination: India
Favorite travel charity: Playing For Change Foundation- they travel the world promoting unity through the power of music!!!
Best travel tip: Do the research, know a local, get off the beaten path, and always carry cash.