Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Rachel Grant. My traveler’s name is Rachel Louise Grant de Longueuil
Bit of name/travel trivia… “de Longueuil” is a barony title first granted by King Louis XIV of France in 1700 and given to Charles le Moyne de Longueuil for his travels and explorations through North America. It is the only French colonial title in existence today recognized by Queen Elizabeth II as Queen of Canada. Charles le Moyne and his sons secured and founded numerous places including New Orleans, Biloxi, Mobile and later Louisiana. I’m a direct descendent of Charles le Moyne and my father is the current Baron de Longueuil. My family love to travel and explore. We certainly carry the genes!
Occupation: Actress, adventurer, author, avid humanitarian & social entrepreneur. All in all, a lover of life willing to try everything J
Hometown: Nottingham, United Kingdom
Residence: New York, USA
Websites: www.rachelgrant.com, www.rachelgrant.org, www.furrykind.com, www.biaggi.com
Twitter: @missrachelgrant
Facebook: /missrachelgrant
Short Bio: Rachel Grant is a Philippine-born British actress best known for her role as Peaceful in the James Bond film Die Another Day. Other roles include numerous TV shows and films, and host of her own travel show on Cathay Pacific Airways.
An extreme traveller full of love and compassion for others, Rachel has immersed herself with helping underprivileged communities around the world and is currently building a school for 150 children – typhoon victims in Bani, Philippines.
A global ambassador to social enterprise “Human Nature” organic cosmetics, Rachel recently launched her own eco-friendly pet brand called “Furry Kind”.
Rachel is a spokesmodel for Biaggi foldable luggage, a contributing editor of Travelife magazine and author of the book “Making a Difference” about good deeds and ventures she has come across on her travels. In 2002 Rachel was invited by Hillary Clinton to a private function in Washington DC in honor of the President of the Philippines in recognition of her charity work and achievements.
How often do you fly: Around 15-20 times a year
How many countries have you been to: 50 and counting!!
How many continents have you been to: All but Antarctica
Favorite American city: New York City
Favorite international city: I have a long list of those!!
Least favorite country: Doesn’t exist!
Favorite World Heritage Site: The Tubbataha Reef Marine Park in the Philippines. The site is a unique example of an atoll – a ring shaped coral reef with a spectacular 100-m perpendicular wall, lagoons and two coral islands. Around the Tubbataha are tens of thousands of masked red-footed boobies, terns, and frigate birds resting during their annual migrations.
Favorite airline: All have something special to offer, but I do like the inflight service of Asian airlines the most.
Favorite aircraft type: The concord. She was a magnificent aircraft! I saw her take off a few times but never experienced the flight.
Aisle or window: Both, or the whole row to make a bed! I’ve been lucky a few times with this. Lie-flat seats do come in economy! ;)
Favorite airport lounge: I like the Asian lounges just for the choice of noodles, sushi, dim sum and other foods.
Favorite U.S. airport: Burbank, California. It’s quite small and very friendly. I’m through security and at my gate in 5 mins!! J
Favorite international airport: Ian Fleming International Airport beside Goldeneye (Mr Feming’s former home where he wrote all his James Bond novels) in Jamaica. It’s very tiny and there’s no set flight schedule. Just that and the name says it all!
Favorite hotel: Ones that are in-keeping with the native style of their region/country.
Favorite cruise line: Never been on a cruise. I like to be around local people when I travel – experience their food, culture and hear their language – not with people who are from where I came from! Doesn’t sound like my kind of adventure.
Favorite island: Sangaat Island, Philippines and Espanola, Galapagos Island.
Favorite fancy restaurant: Ones with mind blowing views :)
Favorite hole in the wall: Sammy’s Roumanian Steakhouse, New york
Favorite fruit: Mangosteen
Favorite food: Olives and all things pickled
Least favorite food: Anything alive
Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground): Champagne
Favorite travel movie(s): March of the Penguins
Favorite travel show(s): Travels to the Edge
Favorite travel book(s): The Wizard of Oz
Right now I am reading: The Numinous Place by Mark Staufer
Top 3 favorite travel newsletters/magazines: Travelife, Travel+Leisure and National Geographic Traveller.
Favorite travel website(s) – besides JohnnyJet.com, of course!: www.tripadvisor.com and yes Johnny Jet’s indeed!
Five things you bring on a plane: Passport, boarding pass, extra food, nail file and change of underwear!
What do you always seem to forget: My worries :)
What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport duty free store? Nothing, just to come home safe and sound.
Favorite travel iPhone app(s): Skype. I can talk and see anyone wherever I am in the world for free (with wifi)!! Gone are the days of high cost long-distance calls! Yay!
Most embarrassing travel moment: At TSA security removing an elegant pair of black leather high heeled boots to reveal white Nike socks underneath. Lol.
Worst travel moment: Arriving at Charles de Gaulle without my passport and being escorted off the plane by 6 men. It had accidentally been left behind at the boarding gate I had departed from. Luckily I managed to get it flown to me the following day and resumed my trip with my mother to One and Only’s Le Tousserok opening in Mauritius J
What’s your dream destination: Anywhere – because anywhere can be paradise! It’s what you make of it.
Favorite travel charity: The Padua Charitable Fund (my family charity) provides underprivileged children in the Philippines educational school and field trips. For many, this is their first and only experience to any sort of travel. www.paduacharity.com
Best travel tip: Carry as little as possible. Somehow you discover and learn more.