Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Pete Meyers
Occupation: Co-owner, EuroCheapo.com
Hometown: Bellevue, OH
Residence: Brooklyn, NY
Website: EuroCheapo.com
Twitter: @eurocheapo
Facebook: Eurocheapo
Pinterest: Eurocheapo
Short Bio: Worked at advertising agencies in NYC and in London. Took off in 2006 to team up with my brother Tom who started EuroCheapo several years prior.
How often do you fly: 4 times a year
How many countries have you been to: 23 if you include Luxembourg.
How many continents have you been to: 3 – gotta step it up.
Favorite American city: Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Favorite international city: Calvi, Corsica. Claimed I’d propose to my future wife on a bench overlooking the sea there…kind of whiffed on that one and wound up doing it on a bench in Ann Arbor instead.
Least favorite country: C’mon Johnny!
Favorite World Heritage Site: Tower of London. Creeps the bejezzus out of me, but in a good way.
Favorite airline: Virgin
Favorite aircraft type: The smaller the better. Have a personal preference for puddle jumpers.
Aisle or window: Window all the way.
Favorite airport lounge: The ones that let me in.
Favorite U.S. airport: Asheville Regional Airport. Adorable.
Favorite international airport: The Vancouver airport knocked my socks off.
Favorite hotel: The 2-star Hotel Centrale in Bellagio, Italy.
Favorite cruise line:
Favorite island: Corsica. Followed by Kelley’s Island in Lake Erie.
Favorite fancy restaurant: Les Deux Garcons in Aix-en-Provence, France.
Favorite hole in the wall: There’s a fantastic tiny restaurant in downtown Ventimiglia, Italy that serves the best homepage seafood linguine I’ve ever had. Don’t know the name, but if you ask the guy at the newsstand on the corner, he’ll tell you.
Favorite fruit: Raspberries.
Favorite food: Love me some beer-steamed clams.
Least favorite food: Anything that involves creamed corn.
Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground)
Favorite travel movie(s): National Lampoon’s European Vacation (“Rusty, you look cool.” Rusty: “I FEEL cool.”)
Right now I am reading: The Art of Fielding
Five things you bring on a plane: Wife, toddler, wipes, iPad and something horrendous from Sbarros.
What do you always seem to forget: Shaving cream. Always gets snagged from my carry on.
Most embarrassing/worst travel moment: Getting fired as a waiter at a seafood restaurant on the west coast of France once they realized I don’t really speak French.
What’s your dream destination: Taking my entire extended family to dinner on the top of Le Serpentine overlooking Paris. (although I think it’s now closed…)
Best travel tip: The answer is always “yes.”