Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Michael Hodson
Occupation: Editor of Go, See, Write, one of the most popular and influential travel websites today, and Founder and Director of Content and Sales for OnlyInVR
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Residence: I didn’t have one for many years! I’m currently residing in Austin but I’m never there for a long period of time.
College: University of Texas
College major: Political Science
Website: goseewrite.com and onlyinvr.com
Twitter: @GoSeeWrite
Facebook: Go, See, Write
Pinterest: Michael Hodson
Google+: Michael Hodson
Instagram: michaelshodson
YouTube: Go, See, Write
Short bio: I took off in December of 2008 to circle the planet with no reservations and without leaving the ground. Sixteen months later, I succeeded. My permanent travels have just continued from there. I’m now expanding out more to travel video as well.
How often do you fly? A few times a month, at least.
How many countries have you been to? After my first 16 months of traveling I visited 44 countries. It was hard to keep track after that.
How many continents have you been to? I’ve been to six continents. Antarctica is the only one I haven’t been to yet.
Earliest travel memory: Camping with my family. We didn’t go often but that’s probably the earliest travel I did.
Favorite American city: Austin, of course!
Favorite international city: Cape Town, Africa.
Least favorite country: That’s a hard one. I genuinely enjoy every country I travel to.
I have no desire to go to: Jail.
Friendliest people in the world: New Zealand.
Country with the meanest immigration officers: I’d rather not say. I plan on going back!
Favorite World Heritage Site: I really enjoyed my time at Petra, Jordan. The history and beauty made for great videos.
Favorite airline: Whichever one will give me the best frequent flyer deals!
Favorite aircraft type: It doesn’t really matter to me as long as I get there. I’m not a huge fan of flying. I would chose train travel over any other transportation.
Aisle or window: I’d like to sit at the window for the views but the aisle can be more convenient. As long as I’m not stuck in between two people, I’m happy.
Favorite airport lounge: Is there beer?
Favorite U.S. airport: I have to say Austin because it’s close to home.
Favorite international airport: I’m not really a big fan of airports. Too many people going in all directions. I prefer to just do what I have to do in the airport and get out.
Favorite hotel: I miss staying in hotels in Asia. The massages alone are enough to get me there!
Favorite cruise line: Wrong person to answer that question. I’m not a big cruise-taker.
Favorite travel credit card: Help me find a good one?!
Favorite island: Hvar, Croatia was really nice. Then again, so are the Greek Islands.
Favorite beach: Definitely one of the many I’ve been to in Croatia.
Favorite fancy restaurant: I love trying out new restaurants in new cities. I don’t think I could choose a favorite but the food in Italy is great.
Favorite hole-in-the-wall: “The Hole in the Wall” in London! LOL.
Favorite bar: Craft Beer Company in London. No matter what beer you choose, it will be great.
Favorite fruit: Banana.
Favorite food: Can’t go wrong with a good steak!
Least favorite food: Peanut butter. I don’t know if I’ve even had peanut butter before but I don’t want to.
Drink of choice (in the air and on the ground): Wine!
Favorite travel movie(s): Back To The Future! That counts…right?
Favorite travel show(s): I like all the travel shows that focus on the food specialties in different countries.
Favorite travel book(s): “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac.
Right now I am reading: All of my notes to prepare for a speech at WTM London.
5 things you bring on a plane: Toothbrush, toothpaste, book, laptop, headphones.
What do you always seem to forget? Enough pairs of socks.
What do you like least about travel? Flying. I’m not a big fan of flying because you don’t get to appreciate the time, distance and sights between places.
What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport Duty Free store? A cigar.
Favorite travel app(s): TripIt and Airbnb.
Most embarrassing travel moment: Face-planting off a bike in Costa Rica.
I’m embarrassed but I haven’t been to: Anywhere in Antarctica. I should probably see more of Canada, too.
Worst travel moment: Again, probably the face-plant in Costa Rica. I was in rough shape after that one.
What’s your dream destination? I love New Zealand. I might live there one day.
Favorite travel charity: It’s not something I know a whole lot about. There are so many worthy travel charities out there.
Best travel tip: Be prepared to go with the flow. Making sure you have enough money for your travel is important. When it comes to where to go and what to see, let yourself be persuaded into spontaneous road trips and adventures. They’re always the best ones.