Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Dan Leeth
Occupation: Freelance Travel Writer/Photographer
Hometown: I grew up in Phoenix, went to school in Tucson
Residence: Aurora, Colorado
Website: DanLeeth.com, LookingForTheWorld.com
Twitter: @danleeth
Facebook: Dan Leeth
Short Bio: I’m a full-time travel writer and photographer whose words and images have graced newspapers, magazines and books across the United States and Canada. Growing up in the American West, I developed an early love of the outdoors and wild places. I have hiked, camped, backpacked, floated, crawled and climbed into and out of wilderness canyons, deserts and mountains around the world. In the winter, I’m an avid downhill skier.
My specialties include Antarctica, adventure, skiing, city walks, historical sites, natural places, road trips and sharing the lighter side of travel. My photographs have graced nearly every article I’ve had published, and my stock images may be purchased here.
How often do you fly: Six to 12 times a year. Since the airlines have taken the fun out of flying, I try to minimize how frequently I board planes these days.
How many countries have you been to: 69+3 on the Traveler’s Century Club list (three were toe touches only).
How many continents have you been to: All seven
Favorite American city: Aspen, summer or winter
Favorite international city: Montreal in the summer, Quebec City in winter
Least favorite country: Russia. When I was there (Moscow), it was the USSR. Maybe things are better now.
Favorite World Heritage Site: Grand Canyon
Favorite airline: Southwest for domestic, Air New Zealand for international
Favorite aircraft type: Private jet. Flew in the owner’s private plane on a press trip to a ski resort. The snow wasn’t bad, either.
Aisle or window: Aisle always.
Favorite airport lounge: Since I normally fly steerage, I rarely enter these first-class enclaves.
Favorite U.S. airport: Denver International (mostly because it’s the one I always fly out of)
Favorite international airport: Auckland
Favorite hotel: Pretty much any Four Seasons or Fairmont property
Favorite cruise line: Quark
Favorite island: Easter
Favorite fancy restaurant: Grand Canyon Lodge Dining Room (North Rim) – can’t beat the location
Favorite hole in the wall: Le Pape Georges in Lower Old Town Quebec City
Favorite fruit: Grapes, fresh or fermented.
Favorite food: Shredded beef burrito smothered in green chili
Least favorite food: Sushi
Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground): Red wine
Favorite travel movie(s): Airplane!
Favorite travel show(s): Art Wolfe’s Travels to the Edge
Favorite travel book(s): Any of Bill Bryson’s travel books
Right now I am reading: Fraser’s Penguins
Top 3 favorite travel newsletters/magazines: AAA Colorado’s EnCompass Magazine, Popular Photography, Photograph America Newsletter
Favorite travel website(s) – besides JohnnyJet.com, of course!: Travelocity.com
Five things you bring on a plane: Passport, Laptop, Camera Gear, Reading Material, Domke Vest
What do you always seem to forget: To pack light
What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport duty-free store? A stuffed rattlesnake
Favorite travel iPhone app(s): Starbucks, Super 8, MapQuest
Most embarrassing/worst travel moment: Being in the men’s room on Norwegian ferry when my bus started to leave. Fortunately my wife got them to stop and wait for me to finish the paperwork.
What’s your dream destination: South Pole
Best travel tip: Get out and walk. Experience the world afoot.
Dan , I like to talk to you about every 5 years so give me a call @ 314 822 9511. Gig