There are some things that would be hard to believe unless caught on video, and one of them happened over the weekend when a Southwest Airlines passenger decided to strip naked while the plane was taxiing down the Houston runway.

Southwest AirlinesBelow is the video posted on A Fly Guy’s Travel Network with the caption: “A Southwest flight from Houston to Phoenix was delayed after a woman stripped naked during taxiing, harassed crew, and pounded on the cockpit door. Videos on social media show the troubled passenger causing a scene before the plane returned to the gate, where the passenger was escorted off. According to media reports, no charges were filed, and she was taken for a medical evaluation.”

Since A Fly Guy’s network is run by a flight attendant (FA) with a large FA following, there were some interesting responses:

@Raisingheredias: At least this happened during taxiing and not when they were in the air, yikes.

@Noonelikeang: As a flight attendant, we would really like passengers to be more respectful and stop recording everything on the flight. Especially something as sensitive as this. Stop and think about whether you’d want this to be you all over social media.

@Flygirlschool: What kind of world do we live in where someone is clearly having a mental breakdown, and all you see is people recording and laughing? So sad… what happened to empathy, kindness, and decency? Not everything is worth posting online.

@Serendipitouslysteph: Get the duct tape and zip ties.

@Ryingf: How do people like this even get on board? This is crazy…

I honestly don’t know how I would react if I had seen this. What would you have done, especially if you were traveling with children? Leave a comment below!


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