The 2018 New York City Marathon is this Sunday, November 4. Inside the five boroughs, it’s no normal Sunday, especially for anyone living near the marathon route. And this year, United has brought the marathon spirit west to Newark Liberty International.
From October 31 to November 6 (next Tuesday), flyers will find limited-run, runner-friendly menu items and snacks for sale at a few of the usual restaurants scattered across Terminal C. Here’s the full menu, which lists the dishes available and the restaurants to find them at (again, all in Terminal C):

The offering is part of the Get in Gear program, activated by United’s food and beverage partner OTG—a group whose VP of Culinary, Running with Miles notes, is himself a runner with a food-based column in Runner’s World.
Runners and non-runners alike, enjoy the bacon and egg mazemen while you can.

Also at EWR on Sunday/Monday:
United is also offering free medal engraving for all MYC Marathon runners on Sunday, November 4 (4-10pm) and Monday, November 5 (7am-5pm). What that means exactly is not clear, but it’ll be happening across from Terminal C’s Polaris Lounge should you like to check it out.