For some, the ultimate travel experience is going up in space or to another planet. It’s definitely not for me but it could be, possibly, in the future. However, I’m still fascinated by space and other planets and so is my eight-year-old son.

That’s why, when yesterday I showed him this panoramic video (embedded below) of Mars that NASA just released, his mouth literally opened wide and I knew I had to make this our Travel Video of the Day.


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I originally found it on Pubity with the caption: “NASA has shared amazing panoramic pictures of Mars, highlighting its varied and intriguing landscapes. These panoramic offer fascinating and detailed looks at the surface of the Red Planet.”

Some of their reader comments were pretty funny including:

@slimjim: That’s a long way to go just to see Utah
@max_fahlmark: Damn Utah looks crazy
@Colinmartinmusic: It needs a Walmart
@Kareemsamad: How are rent prices there?
@alexis.flexis: All that land and no casinos? Shame

It turns out, this video is actually multiple individual panoramic images stitched together, giving a wide-angle view of Mars’ diverse environments. These images show detailed views of Mars’ surface, with its unique terrain, including rocky landscapes, dust storms and the planet’s vast plains and mountains.


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