A few years ago, while my family and I were in Hawaii, we had a Korean taxi driver drive us from HNL airport to our hotel. I asked him if his family members in South Korea were worried about North Korea, and he told me no. Instead, he said, they were more worried about a nuclear bomb hitting Hawaii, since it’s a target of North Korea’s. The local news had a story or two on the subject, but other than that, I didn’t think too much more about it.
A week after our trip, the government of Hawaii erroneously sent a cell phone message alerting people of an imminent missile threat in Hawaii and similar messages were broadcast over local television and radio outlets urging the public to take cover.
If I’d received those alerts, I would have freaked out, to say the least. And now, Russian president Vladimir Putin is threatening nukes. If, God forbid, this happens, would you know what to do or where to take cover? I sure as hell wouldn’t, which is why this article, How to survive a nuclear bomb: 3 steps to save you in case of a missile or attack by North Korea from Mic.com, is worth a read. Experts say the chances of a nuclear bomb being dropped are slim to none—and let’s hope they’re right—but if they’re wrong, more information is no doubt better than less. From the story:
1. Find a nearby place to shelter from the bomb or fallout
The more durable a shelter you can choose, the better, ideally one with a thick, dense roof and walls, according to the nuclear blast page of Ready.gov, an emergency preparedness website from the Department of Homeland Security. While “a direct hit from a nuclear explosion” will destroy even the strongest hideout — including “blast shelters” built to protect against “pressure, initial radiation, heat and fire” — if you survive the blast, you can then get by in a fallout shelter, a protected space that’s tough enough to “absorb the radiation given off by fallout particles.”
2. Nuclear attack survival kit: Prepare your water, food and other supplies
“According to Ready.gov, one gallon of water (bottled or otherwise sealed) per person per day; nonperishable food that’s sealed; a battery-powered or hand-crank radio and a NOAA weather radio with a tone alert; flashlight; first-aid kit; extra batteries; whistle; dust mask; plastic sheeting and duct tape; moist towelettes; garbage bags and plastic ties; a wrench or pliers; manual can opener; local maps; and a cell phone with chargers and a backup battery. Here is a FEMA fact sheet with additional supplies — including prescription medications; a first-aid book; a warm blanket for each person; household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper; a fire extinguisher; matches; and feminine supplies — listed. You’ll want enough stuff for three days at a minimum, but ideally, enough for two weeks.”
3. Learn rules for sheltering and staying alive
“Once you enter your shelter, you’ll want to close your space off and decontaminate to minimize exposure to fallout. Make sure windows, doors, fireplaces, air conditioners and other air access points are sealed off. Gingerly shed your outermost layer of clothing, which “can remove up to 90% of radioactive material,” according to a CDC guide. “Be very careful in removing your clothing to prevent radioactive dust from shaking loose. Put the clothing in a plastic bag or other sealable container. Put the bag in an out-of-the-way place, away from other people and pets.” Then gently wash off, keeping wounds covered, and using soap and shampoo but not conditioner — which can bind radioactive particles to your hair.”
Read all the tips in the Mic.com story here.
Is there any way that you could make your site readable in feedly? It only opens the first paragraph and most of the time, I don’t even bother to read any more since it’s so inconvenient to have tobn the site. Is that something you would be willing to fix? Most other sites I read have a full rss feed that they have been able to figure out how to make a available. Thanks.
I think you are going cause people panic and anxiety with your leading in your email today Feb 28, 2020 with “how to survive a nuclear bomb”. I think you could have soften it a bit. I think it will pretty much be “bend over and kiss your ass goodbye”. If you are in a direct hit, good bye and the ones that survive would have lasting illness or who would want to live when everything around you is gone. I hope it doesn’t come to this.
Are you ass scaring us
I’m ass scaring myself. Read this
Putin now ‘rattling the nuclear sword’
The last nuclear alert in a U.S.-Russian/Soviet crisis was by the United States during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, according to James Acton, who co-directs the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Before that, many experts say the closest the Cold War powers came to nuclear war was the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. He estimates that full-scale nuclear war between Russia and the U.S. could kill up to 6 billion people. “The way you would kill most of them is not radiation,” he said. “Most of the deaths would be because you would burn the cities.” (LA Times)
Are you really that concerned if you are still traveling?
Good advice. Living 6 blocks east of the Capitol, if there’s any accuracy, our house and us if there would be radioactive dust
But short of that #2 is necessary to be resilient to any emergency. Having a grab & go bag is a must