As I’ve written before, Global Entry (and TSA PreCheck, which comes with it) is a huge help if you travel internationally even once in a while (some credit cards even cover the $100 fee).
However, it can be hard—or take a while—to get an appointment (this page lets you see the wait times at your location). Well, here’s some good news: As my colleague Chris McGinnis has reported, US Customs and Border Protection is rolling out a program called Enrollment on Arrival. As Chris writes:
“How does it work? The program is designed for individuals who have been conditionally approved for Global Entry pending a personal interview at a Global Entry Enrollment Center. Instead of scheduling an interview, the traveler arriving at an Enrollment on Arrival airport can now finish the interview requirement during a CBP primary inspection.”
Enrollment on Arrival is so far available in both Houston airports, Austin, Vancouver, and San Francisco, but more airports are allegedly in the plans. If you’re able to try it, please share your experience in the comments!
Here’s more from View from the Wing.
Related: Tips for Getting a Global Entry Appointment This Summer
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Phoenix: Applied on a Sunday evening, received an appointment choice for the next Monday on Wednesday, took 8 days. EZ-peazy! Pays to have no felonies, not to have moved, not to have remarried and retired I guess.
Global Entry in Austin, TX took 1 month to get appointment. So Amex will pay for my fee if I call them, really?
If you pay for the fee with your AMEX Plat they will reimburse. But call just to doublecheck
Bummer, guess I’m out of luck, gold Delta. Thanks