Each Friday, we feature a reader-submitted tip as our Travel Tip of the Day. This week’s tip comes from reader Tessa H. in Atlanta, who shares a trick very similar to one of my own that could help you remember stuff when you travel:
“Lock your car keys in the hotel safe. You won’t drive off without your valuables that way!”
This is the same idea behind one of my most popular tips ever: Put a Shoe in the Safe. With your car keys or a shoe in there with your valuables, you won’t be able to leave the hotel without opening the safe. Thanks, Tessa!
How do you remember your stuff?
Every traveler I know has lost or forgotten something on a trip (here’s what hotel cleaners say they do with forgotten stuff). And from experience, many (like me and Tessa) have picked up tricks that could be of help to other travelers. If you have your own trick that you use to help you remember stuff when you travel, please share it in the comments below!
More help not forgetting…
- The Trackable Wallet That’s Difficult to Lose
- What to Do If You Lose Your Wallet
- If You Lose Your Passport in Austria, You Can Now Find Help at McDonald’s
- How to Remember Your Room Number or Parking Spot
- How to Open and Close Your Garage Door While Away
- This Book Will Prevent You from Forgetting Anything on a Trip
- The Backup Reading Glasses You’ll Never Forget to Pack
Have your own tip? Email it to whitney@johnnyjet.com!
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Before bed put everything you own on top of the desk, in plain sight, and nothing in the drawers. When out of the room take your valuables with you or at a bare minimum lock your good stuff in your suitcase even though that isn’t very secure. BTW. A $25 Wyzecam cube camera with an added memory card, even though offline, will continuously record a video of the hotel thief stealing you stuff.
Love the shoe idea too! :)