Today’s tip follows yesterday’s about germy hotel key cards, and it again concerns something I learned in this Reader’s Digest story about the dirtiest things in a hotel room. One of the first things I do when I enter a room is wipe down the room with an antibacterial cloth. Usually, that means just the light switches, door knobs, remote control, and a few other objects. However, after reading the Reader’s Digest story, you can bet I’ll be wiping down the bathroom counter and faucets going forward. Why? As written in RD, “‘The bathroom counter and faucets can sometimes be cleaned with the same cloth used to clean the toilet, thereby transferring germs from fecal matter onto the counter and faucets…This can lead to gastrointestinal infections. There may also be GI and respiratory viruses lingering on surfaces.’ Worse yet, these cloths are often used from room to room.”
Related: Clean Hands, Germy Bathroom
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This is the first time I’m hearing of this! Definitely wiping everything down in hotels now