Today’s tip follows yesterday’s about bed bugs on planes. Much more common (though still not too common) are bed bugs in beds, so today we’re featuring a Reader’s Digest list of tips for keeping bed bugs at bay. The list is written from the perspective of bed bugs (“about the shape and size of an apple seed”), but it’s simple enough and worth reading through. There are 16 total tips, including:
“We’re attracted to certain colors
As a recent study in the Journal of Medical Entomology showed, we really like dark red and black (so maybe don’t choose bedding in those colors) and tend to stay away from white, green, and yellow. Researchers think these colors offer good protection from predators like ants and spiders. And since we have a red exoskeleton, it’s likely that we’re drawn to this color because it suggests the presence of other bed bugs—and we generally like to stick together to stay safe. Keep an eye out for these 8 warning signs you’re about to have a bed bug problem.
“Heat is our number-one killer
Exterminators treat rooms and furniture with a combination of dry steam cleaning, deep heat, and chemical treatments. If your clothes have been in an infested room (or your sheets on buggy bed), throw them in a hot dryer (at least 120 degrees) for 30 minutes to kill bed bugs; washing in hot water alone won’t do the trick. Don’t miss these secrets from professional exterminators about bed bugs and other pests.”
Read the full RD story for all 16 tips. Have your own bed bug story/tips? Share them below!
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