Thanks to reader Barbara for turning me onto the UK’s email travel alerts. I find it just as useful as she did, as clarified in an email to me:
“I find the site not very useful, but the UK one is fantastic. I get more information from them. It even gives advice about the sports teams going from one European country to another to play. At first I thought that was useless since I don’t follow sports; however, I realized it gives me info about areas to stay away from on any given day because of traffic and crowds. When in Europe I check it all the time. It is geared for UK citizens but gives very useful info for non-citizens as well. I was in Europe during the Paris attacks and was made aware of the situation by their emails. I was grateful since I was in countries where I did not speak much of the local language so TV news wasn’t helpful. I received nothing from US State Department even though I had registered my travel plans with them.”
You can choose to see see info on all countries or just pick the ones you’re going to. Here’s an example of an email I received the other day from them on Israel:
“Only use the light rail between Mount Herzl and Ammunition Hill. Avoid travel on the light rail beyond Ammunition Hill; there have been regular violent incidents on that part of the route.”
This is the kind of timely information that travelers long for, so I highly recommend signing up! And it’s free, so you have nothing to lose since!
COVID-19 Update
United Kingdom: Many “countries have closed borders, and may restrict movement or bring in new quarantine rules with little warning. Check our advice on things to consider, and be prepared to stay overseas longer than planned.
thank you:)