I am so excited to share some great news with you! This week, we’re launching a fully overhauled website! Not only am I thrilled to get this up and running (many people worked very hard on it), but I’m also looking forward to your feedback. I hope you like it as much as we do.
As with any new project, we’ll be working around the clock to make improvements and the site will continue to grow and evolve. We’ll add new tools and functionality that will make the site even more interesting and useful for you. One of my favorite aspects of the new site is the updated travel portal. The changes will make it easier and faster for you to find what you’re looking for. But I know that not all of us like change – so if you prefer the old site, you can still find it here.
Another great feature of the site is that my contributors and I can post stories immediately – so expect daily posts. For example, I’m writing this newsletter from an American Airlines LAX to Miami flight and my seatmate just told me about her unforgettable flight a couple of weeks ago that involved a fallen soldier. I asked her if she could write her story and send it to me along with photos. Thanks to GoGo In-flight Internet, we were able to post her story before the plane even landed. Read it here.
I also love the fact that we can now accept comments on each page, so don’t be shy. We want to hear your feedback about our stories and about the redesign too, so please start commenting on the site; your feedback will be posted underneath each story for everyone to read and interact with.
We will be back next week with a full newsletter filled with new and exciting stories, the best tips, and the latest in travel news. In the meantime, please send over your thoughts on the new JohnnyJet.com and you can also follow me on Twitter at @JohnnyJet. Thanks, as always, for your continued support. I’m looking forward to the next leg of our journey together!
Hi.. I like the new site, however, I can’t seem to find the section I most looked forward to weekly, the Travel Item of the Week. Am I just not seeing it, or is it no longer included?
I also loved the Travel Channel Show. It was great, you have an amazing voice.
Great news. It is a more professional looking site. I will comment more when the pictures show up.
When I tried to fill out the name and email above, when you hit tab, it takes you to your travel portal city. and when you hit the tab to exit from the email address, it goes to the second city. Might want to fix that.
I prefer your weekly posts, and enjoy your travels immensely. Keep it up.
Hi Johnny
Yes I like the makeover so good luck with the new website and keep up the good work and enjoy your travels.
Brian L
I love this new look. Congrats! I have been following you for years, and let me tell you, a change was needed. lol. thanks for all that you do!
For over ten years you have been terrific to follow. I am amazed at your professional uphill job……..you are doing what you love and it is so evident in each and every aspect you attain. Now the favorite tv show of mine…….JJ is the show not to miss. Hope to see you inperon at the TRAVEL SHOW LA. Your family is fun to follow; now at long last you are engaged.(second time) and watch the wedding take place. Natalie is very lucky!!!!!!!!!!! Each and every change is looking great on the weekly email. I click on TWITTER AND FACEBOOK many times daily. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!