Many companies have stepped up to throw encouragement to Americans to get vaccinated. Krispy Kreme kicked things off with a free glazed donut a day (here’s how), then Staples, Office Depot and Office Max all started offering free lamination (here’s the promo code). BTW: I’m not laminating my card since advice on that seem to be mixed. Instead, I’m using an old conference badge protector but you can get them here for cheap on Amazon. It’s a good idea to protect your vaccination card since in many cases, it will be one of your most valuable tickets to travel.
Another great incentive, and possibly the most generous of them all, comes via Sam Adams, the Boston Beer company.
“Starting April 12th, post your vaccination sticker or bandage (don’t share your vaccination card or post personal information) and we’ll send you $7 through the Cash App for a beer at your favorite bar. Use the hashtag #shotforsam and tag @samueladamsbeer on Instagram or Twitter, then look out for a DM from Sam. Make sure you have a Cash App account and don’t forget to tip your servers!”
Need help getting the Cash app?
“If this is your first time using the app, you will be required to enter a phone number or email login ID. Choose how you prefer to receive verification codes from Cash App. You will then be sent a code to verify your account. Verify your account by entering the code that was sent to you. After verification, choose whether to add a bank account immediately or skip it and do it later. To add a bank, you will need to enter your debit card number and name as it appears on the card. Please note that a credit card will not work. Choose a $Cashtag, which is your unique identifier in Cash App and it can also be used to get paid by someone. A $Cashtag must include at least one letter and a maximum of 20 characters.”
–The Trick To Getting A COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment
–CDC Issues New Travel Guidance
–My Experience Getting Vaccinated
H/T Gary Leff