When visiting the beautiful island of Nantucket, it’s hard not to jump at every opportunity it offers. But as with any vacation destination, there are certain dos and don’ts to keep in mind. Following the island’s norms can help take your trip from good to great!
Here are 10 things to know to make the most of your Nantucket visit, brought to you by a native Nantucketer.

1. Leave your car at home
While it’s tempting to have a car on vacation, try to detach from the four-wheeled frenzy and take advantage of more eco-friendly and traffic-friendly transportation options. Nantucket’s free bus system, The Wave, offers direct routes around the island, making it easy and convenient to travel across its 15 miles of sand. Additionally, Nantucket features numerous local bike shops offering daily and weekly rentals to help you save money and reduce your carbon footprint.

2. Be a courteous pedestrian
Nantucket can get crowded with people moving from one side of the island to the other. Whether you’re strolling through the shops on Main Street or walking from the Stop & Shop parking lot, there’s a constant flow of pedestrians. Be considerate of those around you. Move with the flow like the tides and be patient … you’ll find your opportunity to cross the street.
3. Know your nature
The island’s landscapes are among the most unique in the world. From long sandy beaches to state forests, Nantucket offers a variety of outdoor experiences. However, when enjoying these natural escapes, be aware of wildlife protection regulations. Certain beach areas are off-limits to protect wildlife. If you’re keen to try fishing, visit the local tackle shops for guidance on the best and safest spots to catch striped bass and bluefish.

4. Learn your beaches
All of Nantucket’s beaches are beautiful, and each offers something different. For a livelier, surf-filled experience, head to the south shore, where you can enjoy the waves and mingle with the crowds. If you’re seeking a calmer, more peaceful atmosphere, the north shore is perfect for relaxing in Nantucket Sound’s tranquil waters.
5. Take advantage of rainy days
Not every day is sunny and perfect. When bad weather arrives, it’s a great opportunity to explore Nantucket’s rich history. The Whaling Museum offers fascinating exhibits about the island’s early settlers. If museums aren’t your thing, visit the Maria Mitchell Association Aquarium to see local marine life and other sea creatures from the surrounding waters.
6. Don’t get stuck in town
While Nantucket’s main streets are delightful to explore, there’s so much more to see beyond downtown. Take time to visit Siasconset, the island’s easternmost point, where you can enjoy seashell paths and stunning gardens. Don’t miss the lighthouses either; they offer a whole new perspective of the island.
7. Enjoy the off-season
If you’re looking for a quieter, cooler experience, plan your visit during the off-season. May, early June, September and October provide a more temperate climate and fewer crowds. These shoulder months offer a lovely transition between seasons and a more relaxed vibe.
8. Avoid overbooking dinner reservations
Nantucket is famous for its fine seafood and oceanfront dining, which can make it tempting to try every restaurant. However, these meals can come with a hefty price tag. Instead, limit yourself to one or two upscale dining nights and opt for takeout or a homemade meal that you can enjoy as a picnic on the beach.

9. Respect the rules of the ocean
The ocean is powerful and safety rules are in place for a reason. Each beach has designated flags that correspond to the safety of the water. It’s essential to follow these guidelines to avoid accidents. Remember, no matter how strong you are, you’re no match for the ocean. Respect the lifeguards’ rules to keep your trip from going under.

10. Where to watch the sunset
Nantucket boasts some of the best sunsets you’ll ever see. But where is the best spot to watch the sun set when you’re surrounded by water? Head to Madaket, the island’s westernmost point, to watch the sun dip below the horizon without any land interference. If you’re lucky, you might even witness the rare “green flash.”
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