Connecting doorI wrote yesterday about how you should request a room without a connecting room door so you have a much quieter experience. I’ve also written about why you should always doublecheck to make sure your connecting room door is locked for safety reasons. But as I type this, I’m sitting in my bed at the Dallas Renaissance Hotel and I can hear everything the couple in the room nextdoor is saying. And they probably have no idea how clearly I can hear them (because I’m not making any noise).

So, I’ve decided I should make a tip about not speaking too loudly or more importantly about sensitive matters in a hotel room with a connecting room door. You have no idea who might be listening.



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5 Comments On "Be Careful What You Say in a Hotel Room With a Connecting Door"
  1. Mike|

    Johnny for fear of being too delicate – perhaps mentioning that sometimes
    the headboard of the bed is very close (attached?) to the wall, so that
    (let’s just say) “jumping” on the bed will cause your neighbor sleepless

    1. Johnny Jet|


  2. Sandra McKeith|

    I generally turn on the tv (even if I’m not going to be watching it) while I make phone calls or have conversations I don’t want overheard.

    1. Johnny Jet|

      Good tip

  3. Micahel D|

    Put laptop with loop video on YouTube playing facing the door , that way any conversation willl be so mixed with the loop video it will not be able to be understood.

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