Each week, I carefully choose a tweeter who I like and who I think you might like to follow. This is where you’ll find them!
For a list of my 2011 Tweeters of the Week, click here. You can also follow me on Twitter @JohnnyJet.
January 25, 2012: @HotelPRGuy
In Singapore I met Charles Yap – aka @HotelPRGuy. He’s the global brand social media director at IHG and travels a ton for his job and pleasure. Charles lives in London but was home in his native Singapore to celebrate Chinese New Year and he gave me a tour one day – the best way to experience a city. That afternoon I learned Charles is passionate about travel, food, tea, photography and hotels. He also filled me in on an interesting idea that I’ve never thought of doing – each trip Charles goes on he makes a unique hashtag so he can later go back and see his notes of where he went, ate and what he did. It’s ingenious! FYI: His Singapore trip is labeled #CNYHome (Chinese New Year Home).
January 18, 2012: @CAroundTheWorld
Chris Gray Faust is an inspiration to anyone who loves to travel and write. Not many people have the balls to leave behind an incredible job (Travel Editor at USA Today) and take a chance at starting a blog (http://www.caroundtheworld.com). Chris did just that for over a year now and she is making it work by updating it frequently and doing freelance work. She is constantly on the move and you should be following her if you love to travel.
Thanks Johnny! Nice to be able to show you a bit of my hometown – thanks for adding me to your list! Safe travels!