Nassau, Bahamas 720x360 (from Unsplash)Each Friday, we feature a reader-submitted tip as our Travel Tip of the Day. This week’s tip comes from reader Tom, who says:

“If you haven’t already seen this story, about the “swimming pigs of the Bahamas” (Editor’s note: See video here), I would appreciate sharing this with many of your readers, especially those who likely visit the Bahamas.

While the article goes on about people giving the pigs booze and riding them, the concept could be applied even further. Wherever people go to the beach/ocean, it’s always a good idea (and should be common sense) to not feed the wildlife booze, try to ride/play with the animals, etc. With dog-friendly beaches, it’s a good idea to not leave glass, metal containers (and trash in general) because they can get buried and unexpectedly create injuries.

Visiting the dog-friendly beaches in Fairfield, CT with my dogs, dog owners like myself wouldn’t want our pets injured by broken glass or other pieces of trash.”

Here’s another story on the swimming pigs situation, and a tip we’ve run about just this sort of thing. Thanks, Tom!



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2 Comments On "Travelers Are Killing the Bahamian Swimming Pigs (and Harming Other Animals, Too)"
  1. Henry Barth|

    This is what really killed the Bahamas’ famous swimming pigs

    Tuesday, March 7, 2017

    BAHAMAS — The mystery of the death of the swimming pigs has finally been solved.

    A recent autopsy conducted on some of the pigs that died in Big Major Cay, the uninhabited Bahamas island made famous for its swimming pigs, has found that the beloved animals did not die from alcohol poisoning as initially thought, but rather from digesting sand.

  2. norm|

    JJ– This must be the result of that enlightenment effect of travel of which you wrote. Too bad in group think, individuals, whether human or porcine, don’t matter.

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