ElevatorPress to Close the Elevator Doors
Another in line with the “stand to the side” tip from a few weeks back: common sense, and still deserving of more attention. If you’re standing by the elevator buttons in an elevator, it is your unofficial job to push the “close” button when everyone is in the elevator or someone just gets off on a floor—at least if the door doesn’t close immediately. Some elevator doors are programmed to not close for 30 seconds and that’s just wasted time—especially if you make multiple stops.



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3 Comments On "Travel Tip of the Day: Press to Close the Elevator Doors"
  1. Ridge Tolbert|

    Actually, the CLOSE button is there for when the elevator is set, by key, to a manual mode. This is specifically for use by firemen and elevator technicians. In normal operation the button has no function.

    1. Robert|

      In California, the close button closes the door instantly, if you don’t push it you often have to wait several seconds.

  2. nancy|

    Whenever I’ve used the open and close buttons, that’s what the doors do. In many states. I had a nursing job when we had keys to override the buttons and in this case, those buttons were inoperable. Being a little dyslexic, I kinda hate to use it, sometimes I hit the open one. I try to stand in another corner.

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