Cesky Krumlov streets at night

Avoid Quiet Areas and Be Vigilant After Dark
I highly recommend signing up for email updates from the UK’s foreign travel advice page relating to any country you’re going to or currently in. It’s very helpful, with up-to-the-minute advisories, safety-related news and more. One recent advisory concerned travel to Morocco but I think it’s pertinent to many major destinations. The advice was this: “There have been incidents involving the use of knives against tourists in street thefts and burglaries, avoid quiet areas and be vigilant after dark; women should exercise caution particularly when travelling alone as they could be vulnerable to unwanted attention or harassment.”

This advice really hit home considering one of my friends and her husband were mugged early in the morning with all of their luggage in Barcelona. She lost everything, including her passport (her husband didn’t because he had it hidden on his person). Here’s her story. This is one reason I recommend hiding your valuables in a Scottevest jacket that has 20+ pockets.



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