Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Zach Glassman
Occupation: Photographer, Writer, Founder of Passion Passport
Hometown: Westmount, Quebec
Residence: New York City
College: Columbia University
College major: Economics, Foreign Languages
Website: passionpassport.com
Twitter: @zachspassport
Instagram: zachspassport
Facebook: Passion Passport
Google+: +Passion Passport
Short bio: Zach is the son of a travel-writing father and a wanderlust mother who met on a bus in Guatemala. A polyglot, Zach considers language to be travel’s greatest sidekick and is always eager to use one of his five languages as a means to immerse himself in a new culture. As a photographer, he has worked with both professionals and amateurs in many corners of the globe.
How many countries have you been to? According to my count, 50. But I think I might be forgetting a couple.
Earliest travel memory: I remember exploring Guatemala with my family as a young boy—particularly playing hide-and-go-seek with my siblings in and around our small home in Panajachel.
Favorite international city: Porto and Cape Town.
Country with the meanest immigration officers: The UK. That’s a story for another time.
Favorite World Heritage Site: I can’t pick one. But Sydney Opera House is definitely one of them—that is the most majestic harbor in the world.
Aisle or window: Window. Always.
Favorite hotel: Generally eco/boutique hotels.
Favorite hole-in-the-wall: A vegetarian restaurant in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, called ‘Harmony Village.’ I lived in HK for nearly three years and only discovered this one in my last six months!
Favorite island: Manhattan. It would be a crime to say anything else.
Favorite beach: Esperance, West Australia or Boracay, Philippines.
Favorite fruit: Mango.
Favorite food: In general: Indian, Italian, Thai, Chinese, Moroccan, Spanish…well, pretty much anything. I also have an obsession with all kinds of curry.
Drink of choice (in the air and on the ground): Mango lassi.
Favorite travel show(s): I used to watch The Amazing Race?
Favorite travel book(s): Not sure if this counts, but “The Poisonwood Bible.”
Right now I am reading: “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.”
What do you always seem to forget? Chargers.
Favorite travel app(s): Instagram, Roadless.
Most embarrassing travel moment: Slipping and falling on my butt at the Twelve Apostles in Australia and breaking a lens while I was at it.
Worst travel moment: Getting really sick in the middle of absolutely nowhere in Senegal.
What’s your dream destination? Burma.
Best travel tip: Go for a long run or walk and get lost in a new place. Also, leave room for spontaneity.