Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers on useful resources, favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
Occupation: Travel Photographer / Author of CHINA: Portrait of a People
Hometown: San Francisco City
Residence: Shanghai
Short Bio: Travel photographer Tom Carter (1973) was born and raised in the City of San Francisco and graduated with a degree in Political Science from the American University in Washington, D.C. Following a political career with a number of high-profile state and national campaigns, Tom decided to “peek over the fence” and subsequently spent 18 months backpacking down the length of Mexico, Cuba and Central America. Tom later spent one year in Japan, one year in India, and four years in the People’s Republic of China, travelling extensively throughout the country’s 33 provinces and autonomous regions. The result was his first book, CHINA: Portrait of a People, hailed as the most comprehensive book of photography on modern China ever published by a single author.
How often do you fly: Rarely
How many countries have you been to: I’ve traveled all of China, all of India and all of Mexico, and Cuba Central America.
Favorite American city: My hometown San Francisco
Favorite international city: Tokyo or Beijing
Least favorite country: I’ll let you know after I’ve been to them all
Favorite hotel: Any youth hostel
Favorite island: Hainan, China
Favorite fancy restaurant: I don’t eat at fancy restaurants
Favorite hole in the wall: All of them, especially in Tijuana
Favorite fruit: Mango
Favorite food: Anything Mexican or Chinese
Least favorite food: Meat; I’m a vegetarian
Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground): Dr. Pepper, except it’s not sold in China
Favorite travel movie(s): Does “Almost Famous” count?
Favorite travel show(s): I don’t watch TV
Favorite travel book(s): Anything by Gary Jennings
Right now I am reading: Red Rock: The Long Strange March of Chinese Rock & Roll by Jonathan Campbell
Top 3 favorite travel newsletters/magazines: Beijinger, That’s Shanghai, City Weekend China
Favorite travel website(s) – besides JohnnyJet.com, of course!: Reddit
Most embarrassing/worst travel moment: Almost dying in China from Encephalitis
What’s your dream destination: Traveling ALL of Africa
Favorite travel charity: Myself; I’m a charity case.
Best travel tip: Throw away your guidebook, venture off the beaten path, and immerse yourself in the local culture.