Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
Name: Scott McMurren
Occupation: Alaska Travel Evangelist
Hometown: Eugene, Oregon
Residence: Anchorage, Alaska
Website: AlaskaTravelgram.com
Twitter: @AlaskaTravelgrm
Facebook: Alaska.Travelgram
Pinterest: uh…I dunno. HA
Bio: I’ve lived in Alaska for almost 34 years–traveling to every corner of the state: from Adak to Barrow to Ketchikan and back. This last summer, I made it out to Savoonga and Wainwright…and I’m planning a junket now to Little Diomede Island. Hey–they really CAN see Russia from their house!!
As a real “travel evangelist” for the Last Frontier, we publish a weekly newsletter (Johnny…you’re an inspiration!), produce a weekly radio show and appear weekly on our local CBS affiliate, KTVA. Oh…and I’m the local “Travel Guru” for the hottest online news site in the state: The Alaska Dispatch (http://www.alaskadispatch.com/section/travel-guru).
Anchorage is my home. It’s a lovely city–and a great place to raise our kids. My wife, Christy, and I have two boys, two dogs, two cars and…well, a pretty good thing going. Come and see us.
In addition to my fascination and obsession with all things Alaska, I make it a point to share with the class the latest, greatest travel bargains from all over. And we love to travel other places. Recently, we’ve broadcast live from Spain, from Washington, DC, from all over California…from all over, really.
How often do you fly: Oh, about once or twice a month.
How many countries have you been to: (20-25)
How many continents have you been to: Asia, Europe, S.America (1 afternoon), N. America (duh).
Favorite American city: San Francisco
Favorite international city: Barcelona
Least favorite country: uh…really don’t have one.
Favorite World Heritage Site: Patzcuaro, Mexico. We spent Christmas there. FABULOUS.
Favorite airline: Well, I spend the most time on Alaska Airlines. I know…I should branch out. HA
Favorite aircraft type: deHavilland Beaver (DHC-2)
Aisle or window: Aisle all the way.
Favorite airport lounge: Alaska Air’s Board Room
Favorite U.S. airport: PDX
Favorite international airport: BCN’s new terminal is awesome.
Favorite hotel: Anything Kimpton.
Favorite cruise line: Alaska Marine Highway. Does that count? HA
Favorite island: I haven’t been there yet…but I’m fascinated with Iceland.
Favorite fancy restaurant: Southside Bistro in Anchorage.
Favorite hole in the wall: Mountain High Pizza in Talkeetna, Alaska
Favorite fruit: Grapefruit
Favorite food: Wild Alaska Salmon…any variation thereof.
Least favorite food: Collard greens
Favorite travel movie(s): Up In the Air
Favorite travel show(s): Flying Wild Alaska
Favorite travel book(s): The Drifters, by James Michener.
Five things you bring on a plane: Bose headphones, iPod, laptop, portable Petzl headlamp, water
What do you always seem to forget: I forget. HA
Favorite travel iPhone app(s): Well, I’m an Android man…Google Maps.
Most embarrassing/worst travel moment: Uh, missed connections in SLC while making connections to Mississippi…while shipping fresh fish. Guess what thawed and stank up the place while we slept fitfully at the New Orleans airport? HAHA.
What’s your dream destination: I have several, including Argentina’s wine country, the Greek Isles, Turkey, many points in Africa and Indonesia. Do I have to narrow it down?
Favorite travel website(s) – besides JohnnyJet.com, of course!: My new favorite is the IFA Matrix Air Fare Search. Also, www.chrisguillebeau.com
Best travel tip: Double the time, double the money, halve the luggage.