Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
Name: Rudy Maxa
Occupation: Travel writer, radio show host, television producer & host
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Residence: St. Paul, MN
Website: Maxa.tv & RudyMaxa.com
Twitter: @RudyMaxa
Facebook: Rudy Maxa—TV Show
Bio: Former Washington Post investigative reporter & columnist (1971-1984); sr. writer at The Washingtonian magazine (1984-1993); host of public radio’s weekend show, “The Savvy Traveler” (1997-2000); host & executive producer of television’s “Smart Travels: Europe & Pacific Rim w/Rudy Maxa” (2000-2007); Host & executive producer of the public television series “Rudy Maxa’s World” (2008-present). Also: Contributing editor, National Geographic Traveler, Delta Air Lines Sky magazine; Artful Living. Free-lance writer for numerous newspapers and magazine in the US and overseas.
How often do you fly? At least once every two weeks.
How many countries have you been to? 60-70.
How many continents have you been to? Five.
Favorite American city? New York City.
Favorite international city? Hong Kong.
Favorite airline? Singapore Airlines and Virgin Atlantic for international travel; American and Delta for domestic flights.
Favorite aircraft type? Boeing 777 or Airbus 310.
Aisle or window? Aisle.
Favorite airport lounge? Cathay Pacific lounge in Hong Kong.
Favorite U.S. airport? Dulles International Airport
Favorite international airport? It’s a tie: Montevideo, Hong Kong & Singapore
Favorite hotel? Hotel du Cap in Europe, Sandy Lane in the Caribbean, Meadowood in the US
Favorite island? Necker Island
Favorite fancy restaurant? Cyrus in Headlsburg, CA
Favorite hole in the wall? Dada in Buenos Aires
Favorite travel movie(s): “Planes, Trains & Automobiles”
Favorite travel show(s): “Bizarre Foods” with Andrew Zimmerin
Favorite travel book(s): The Tao of Travel by Paul Theroux
Five things you bring on a plane? iPod, laptop, hand sanitizer, dark chocolate, Nikon
What do you always seem to forget? Power cords
Favorite travel iPhone app(s): FlightTracker
Most embarrassing/worst travel moment: Leaving my passport in my hotel room after taking a small, private plane to a major Caribbean airport to begin a trip home
What’s your dream destination? The Seychelles
Favorite travel website(s) – besides JohnnyJet.com, of course!: JoeSentMe.com
Best travel tip: Leave early, pack light, maintain a sense of humor and curiosity
I have had the pleasure of having lunch with Rudy on several occasions and I can sincerely say that Rudy is truly a great guy (as is Johnny), passionate about his work and very knowledgeable. I also love his travel show…never a dull moment!!