Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations, and what they never leave home without.

Name: Paul Johnson
Occupation: Director of The Dedicated Partnership Ltd. (an internet marketing company with a specialism in tourism). Also a Director of Kendal Holiday Cottages Ltd.
Hometown: Manchester, UK
Residence: Kendal, UK
College: Keele University, UK
College major: BSc Joint Honours in Geography and Geology; PhD in Glaciology
Website: aluxurytravelblog.com
Twitter: @luxury__travel
Facebook: /luxurytravel
Pinterest: /luxury-travel
Short bio: Paul has been involved in the tourist industry for more than 25 years. He is Editor of A Luxury Travel Blog, voted one of the world’s best travel blogs and ‘best for luxury’ by The Daily Telegraph. The blog focuses on the finer aspects of travel and serves as a gateway for the discerning traveler, providing information on the most luxurious hotels and resorts, the finest restaurants, and news from within the luxury travel industry.
How often do you fly? About 20 times a year.
How many countries have you been to? About 30
How many continents have you been to? 4
Earliest travel memory: Family camping holidays in France.
Favorite American city: New York.
Favorite international city: Barcelona.
Least favorite country: I don’t really have one.
Country with the meanest immigration officers: Can’t say I’ve really had any problems.
Favorite World Heritage Site: Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania.
Favorite airline: Virgin Atlantic.
Favorite aircraft type: No preference, so long as it’s a comfortable seat.
Aisle or window: Window.
Favorite airport lounge: Virgin Atlantic London Heathrow Clubhouse.
Favorite U.S. airport: I don’t have one.
Favorite hotel: I’ve been to too many lovely hotels to say! Badrutt’s Palace in St. Moritz, Switzerland, has to have been one of the grandest.
Favorite cruise line: I’ve never been on a cruise.
Favorite travel credit card: No particular preference.
Favorite island: Mnemba Island off Zanzibar.
Favorite beach: The shores of the above.
Favorite fancy restaurant: Le Café Royal at the Evian Royal Palace.
Favorite hole-in-the-wall: Is that the same as a drive-thru? I don’t really go to them…in the UK, the term ‘hole-in-the-wall’ is typically used to refer to an ATM.
Favorite bar: Any Spanish bar with a good selection of tapas.
Favorite fruit: Mango.
Favorite food: Beef Wellington (aka boeuf en croute).
Least favorite food: Tea and coffee are about the only two things I don’t like.
Drink of choice (in the air and on the ground): Dry cider or wine.
Favorite travel movie(s): Crocodile Dundee, Forrest Gump.
Favorite travel show(s): Bruce Parry’s Tribe series, David Attenborough programmes.
Favorite travel book(s): No particular favourites.
Right now I am reading: Feet in the Clouds: A Tale of Fell-Running and Obsession.
Top 3 favorite travel newsletters/magazines/blogs: Condé Nast Traveler, Ultratravel Magazine, Elite Traveler.
Favorite travel website(s)—besides JohnnyJet.com, of course! TripAdvisor, Skyscanner and Hipmunk.
5 things you bring on a plane: Boarding pass, passport…OK, so those two a bit obvious…laptop, headphones and iPhone.
What do you always seem to forget? Loose change from my last trip to the country I’m heading to.
What do you like least about travel? Jet lag.
Favorite travel app(s): Google Maps, Sun Scout, and Postagram.
Most embarrassing travel moment: In Lithuania, I had a Russian banyan—without going too much into the details, it’s a nude sauna where you get lightly thrashed by branches. The next day I had a Thai massage at the same resort—the Thai lady left me to get ready and I asked whether I was to remove my swimming shorts. English was limited, but she nodded, so I guessed it wasn’t going to be all that dissimilar to the previous day’s nude experience. When she returned, she quickly told me to adjust my attire—she’d thought I had underwear on underneath!
Worst travel moment: Having my camera stolen in Naples, Italy.
What’s your dream destination: Anywhere with my family. Although I’ve travelled to a number of my own places on my own, the greatest pleasure comes from being able to share the experiences with those close to you.
Favorite travel charity: Plan International. They have lots of different projects where you can make a difference. We sponsor a young child in Tanzania.
Best travel tip: Travel light.
Love A Luxury Travel Blog and enjoyed reading this interview with Paul. Badrutt’s Palace in St. Moritz, Switzerland looks pretty incredible – especially at night! Adding to the bucket list!