Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.
Name: Max Hartshorne
Occupation: Editor, GoNOMAD.com
Hometown: Blawenburg, NJ
Residence: South Deerfield MA
Website: GoNomad.com
Twitter: @GoNomad
Facebook: GoNOMAD
Short Bio: Max is the editor of GoNOMAD.com, and takes great delight in publishing hundreds of travel articles by talented writers from around the world, every day. We provide inspiration and links to plan your trip.
How often do you fly: One time a month.
How many countries have you been to: 39
How many continents have you been to: Not enough
Favorite American city: New York City
Favorite international city: Paris
Least favorite country: Zaire
Favorite World Heritage Site: Greenland
Favorite airline: Qatar Airways
Favorite aircraft type: 777
Aisle or window: Aisle always!
Favorite U.S. airport: JFK Qatar
Favorite international airport: Singapore
Favorite hotel: JW Marriott
Favorite cruise line: Casco Bay Lines, Maine
Favorite island: Nantucket
Favorite fancy restaurant: Per Se
Favorite hole in the wall: Jerry’s Place, South Deerfield MA
Favorite fruit: Pineapple
Favorite food: Chicken
Least favorite food: Capers
Drink of choice (In the air and on the ground) White Wine
Favorite travel movie(s): The Tourist
Favorite travel show(s): No Reservations
Favorite travel book(s): Jeffrey Taylor
Right now I am reading: Travels in Siberia, Ian Frazier
Five things you bring on a plane: iPhone, headphones, my latest book, laptop, neckpillow
What do you always seem to forget: That neck pillow
Favorite travel iPhone app(s): Google maps
Most embarrassing/worst travel moment: When we missed our flight home in Paris because we were trying to save $30 on taxes and it cost us $200 and an overnight!
What’s your dream destination: Vietnam
Best travel tip: Bring a surge protector, bring the currency of the country, be a good tipper even though you don’t have to!
I have to agree on the neck pillow. That is essential for me when I travel. Hate when I try to sleep and my neck hurts. Thank goodness for window seats!